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5 a.m. in new york. we heard one of the most detailed and stunning despigot shuns of the royal institution in generations. harry and meghan recounting in stunning detail what led to their departure. racist and sexist coverage in the tabloids pushed her to a place she never imagined. >> i just didn't want to be alive anymore and that was a very clear and real and frighten ing constant thought. i went to the institution and i said that i needed to go somewhere to get help, said that i've never felt this way before and i need to go somewhere and i was told that i couldn't, that it wouldn't be good for the institution. there are so many people who are afraid to voice that they need help and i know personally how hard it is to not just voice it but when you voice it to be told no. >> just incredible. cnn's than stewart is live in london. anna, we will get to all of the reaction in a second, but there was just so much in this interview. it takes a lot to keep me up until 10 p.m. you couldn't turn away. i thought one of the most remarkable moments in that interview was this whole discussion of archie's skin tone. >> reporter: it was utterly shocking. in addition to the -- that terrible moment meagan said she felt suicidal at times, there was the issue of race. we expected racism to be a topic, institutional racism in the u.k., the racist undertones in the british betrayal of meghan. we weren't discussing that discussions would take place between prince harry and his family with concerns of the color of their child's skin. take a listen. >> in those months when i was pregnant all around this same time, so we have in tandem the conversation of he won't be given security, he's not going to be given a title, and also concerns and conversations about how dark his skin might be when he's born. >> what? >> and -- >> who -- who is having that conversation with you? what? there's a conversation with you -- >> with harry. >> about how dark your baby is going to be? >> potentially and what that would mean or look like. >> and you're not going to tell me who had the conversation? >> i think that would be very damaging to them. >> reporter: no name given and prince harry when he was asked about it said that's a conversation i am never going to share. some really serious allegations made here against the palace. usually of course it's a no comment policy. i think they might have to break that one today. >> prince harry made some not so subtle references to his mother, diana. listen. >> what i was seeing was history repeating itself. perhaps definitely far more dangerous because you add race in, you add social media in. when i'm talking about history repeating itself, i'm talking about my mother. when you can see something happening in the same kind of way, anybody would ask for help, ask the system of which you are part of, especially when you know there's a relationship there that they could help, share some truth on, call the dogs off, whatever you want to call it. >> anna, as we talked about how his mother left him an inheritance, it's almost as if she saw this coming. they had this flexibility like she could see her son living outside the institution potentially. >> there were just so many parallels really to be drawn between princess diana and meghan, not the least an outsider joining the royal firm hoping for a fairy tale ending and getting anything but. what's so difference, they were both unsupported by the royal family. in meghan's case, she's vilified by the press. in this interview harry suggests that's down to racism. if you think the media in the u.k. would be more sympathetic. in some outlets they would have been. one of the tv anchors, piers morgan, good morning brittain, has been slamming the sussex's. let's be clear, prince harry and his wife spent two hours trashing everything the queen stands for. they did it while her 99-year-old husband phillip is in hospital. it's contemptible. this is what many britts are waking up to. it may have been broadcast in the u.s. but it doesn't broadcast here until tonight. >> they will be in for it because i heard a very different interview than the one that piers morgan apparently did. they were very clear to defend the queen and they were very clear about how supportive she has been. they were silent on some other members of the institution and the firm. anna, before we let you go, there had been this perception that harry and meghan had blindsided the royal family but harry says otherwise. listen to this. >> when we were in canada i had three conversations with my grandmother and two conversations with my father before he stopped taking my calls and then said can you put this all in writing what your plan is. >> so you just said that your dad stopped taking your calls. why did he stop taking your calls? >> because i took matters -- by that point i took matters into my own hands. it was like, i need to do this to my own family. it's not a surprise to anybody. it's really sad it's gotten to this point but i have to do something, for my own mental health, for my wife's and for archie's as well because i could see where this was headed. >> his father stopped taking his calls. there were so many stunning moments. that was another one. is the british public in harry's corner on this or do they see them as almost turning on his homeland, anna? >> reporter: well, it will be really interesting to see throughout the day what the reaction is. it's still only 10:00 in the morning in the u. k. they haven't watched the interview. up to this point it is polarizing. opinion is split. it depends depending on what you watch and where you fall. having watched this, i don't think anyone can argue about what has been said. serious allegations. they have put the world right on so many narratives that have been widely shared, whether it was something as simple as did meghan make the duchess of cambridge cry before the wedding. meghan says it was the other way around. the big issue, they didn't want to, they wanted to step back as senior working members of the royal family. they said they would still be there if they had only received the support from the family and the firm. >> there is a queen in the united states and her name is oprah winfrey. that interview is well done. she is the one with the regal status. anna stewart, so nice to see you. great interview, folks. i mean, really something there. legacy building legislation. the senate passed its version of president biden's american rescue plan over the weekend with money going directly to poor families. a critical and historic story to eradicate child poverty, that's in here. that credit will give parents with children under the age of 6, $3600 per child each year and 3,000 per child under the age of 18. key direct payments. it's a guaranteed income for poor families with children. only a year here. there's hope among democrats that they could get this moving on a more permanent basis. democrats expected to spend big. also in this relief package, $1400 direct checks. $300 jobless benefits. the bill will make the first $10,200 jobless benefits tax free for households making less than $150,000 a year here. 11 million workers could lose their benefits unless congress passes the bill quickly. also included, money for schools, housing aid, funding for local and state government, money for a national vaccine program. when will you see another stimulus check? payments could hit bank accounts within days after biden signs the relief bill. people with bank information on file likely get their money first. others get paper checks or prepaid debit cards in the mail. >> the $1.9 trillion relief bill does have some changes. narrowed eligibility. smaller federal boost. jasmine wright is live at the white house. nice to see you. the senate version is expected to pass the house tomorrow. just muscling through this bill the way the white house has has showed the big challenges ahead. >> reporter: that's right, laura. look, president biden looks to be one step away from major victory, but the process of getting there, it was not painless. we saw west virginia senator joe manchin holding up the vote. it is a visual of how difficult it is going to be for this white house to govern and navigate when they have such slim majorities empowering individual senators within their own party for frankly the potential to torpedo any of president biden's agenda. now yesterday on state of the union with jake tapper, he asked joe manchin if he felt pressured to vote. >> president biden and i have been friends. i have the utmost respect. he's the right person in the right place at the right time. our conversations have always been cordial. the only thing he said, joe, never go against your con convi convictions. always do what you think is right. >> reporter: so asked on saturday president biden about manchin, president joe biden was optimistic about the democratic caucus and their unity but this is absolutely going to be a relationship to watch. laura. >> he wields an enormous amount of power. this is not the end of that story for sure. jasmine, thank you so much. security at capitol politicized by the house republican leader. kevin mccarthy blasting the retired lieutenant security general. mccarthy claims he brings a notorious partisan bias to the role. the task force is calling for mobile fencing around the capitol, a quick reaction capital police force and an overhaul of how members are protected in their home districts. another accuser comes forward. another call to resign. governor andrew cuomo remaining def defiant. we made usaa insurance for busy veterans like kate. so when her car got hit, she didn't waste any time. she filed a claim on her usaa app and said, “that was easy.” usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. usaa. your mission: stand up to moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. and take. it. on... ...with rinvoq. rinvoq a once-daily pill can 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rate is fixed, you'll pay exactly $70 total. this month and every month. plus, switch today and get a free smartphone for each line. the best value and award-winning customer service. only at t-mobile. this morning new york governor andrew cuomo vowing not to resign despite mounting pressure. another former staffer -- another staffer has now come forward, anna liss telling "the wall street journal" saying the governor asked her if she had a boyfriend, touching her on the back and calling her sweetheart. alexandra field has more. >> reporter: laura, christine, there are mounting calls for new york's embattled governor andrew cuomo to resign. the late eggs coming from andrea stewart cousins saying andrew must go for the good of the state. the new york sometimes says the governor has squandered the public's trust. governor cuomo is insisting he will not resign. >> i was elected by the people of the state. i wasn't elected by politicians. i'm not going to resign because of allegations. the premise of resigning because of allegations is actually antidemocratic. the system is based on due process. and the credibility of the allegation. anybody has the ability to make an allegation in democracy, and that's great, but it's in the credibility of the allegation. >> reporter: four women have alleged inappropriate conduct including three former cuomo staffers. the governor has publicly apologized saying he never tried to make anyone feel uncomfortable. he said the state's attorney general must be allowed to conduct her investigation. christine, laura. >> alexandra field, thank you for that. the campaign to recall california governor gavin newsom has received enough signatures to take place. they found 83% of the signatures on hand were valid. if that holds, that would be enough to trigger the election. they found 36% would stand by him. the u.s. attorney in the corner on the pandemic. easing restrictions too soon, could it set the whole country back? ♪ you've got the looks ♪ ♪ let's make lots of money ♪ ♪ you've got the brawn ♪ ♪ i've got the brains... ♪ with allstate, drivers who switched saved over $700 click or call to switch new overnight. the newest death toll from coronavirus. the health officials worry about dialing back restrictions could increase. the baseline is still well above the numbers from last spring and summer, christine. >> governors for both parties loosening public health rules after infection numbers dropped and vaccines are rolling out nationwide. this includes mississippi where the mask mandate is going away and michigan where restaurant capacity is expanding but the mask mandate in michigan stays in place. >> when you look at the numbers in mississippi, it doesn't justify government intervention. it does not. it doesn't justify statewide mask mandate. >> we're kind of at the 10 yard line and we're taking another 10 yards ahead where some are at 50 dropping the mask mandate. that's a dangerous situation. >> president biden said there will be enough vaccine for all-americans by may but the white house coronavirus task force coordinator wouldn't put a time line on exactly when americans should expect to receive their actual shots. about 1.2 million vaccinations are happening a day now. some medical experts say that won't be enough to stop a surge. while you were sleeping prince harry and meghan markle put a face on the insular royals. >> i remember him saying, i don't think you can go. i said, i can't be left alone. >> because you were afraid of what you might do to yourself? managing type 2 diabetes? you're on it. staying fit and snacking light? yup, on it there too. you may think you're doing all you can to manage type 2 diabetes and heart disease... ...but could your medication do more to lower your heart risk? jardiance can reduce the risk of cardiovascular death for adults who also have known heart disease. so, it could help save your life from a heart attack or stroke. and it lowers a1c. jardiance can cause 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royals. meagan said racist and sexist coverage in the u.k. tabloids and a lack of support pushed her to a place she never imagined. >> i just didn't want to be alive anymore and that was a very clear and real and frightening constant thought. i went to the institution and i said that i needed to go somewhere to get help, that i had never felt this way before and i need to go somewhere and i was told that i couldn't, that it wouldn't be good for the institution. >> there are so many people who are afraid to voice that they need help and i know personally how hard it is to not just voice it but when you voice it to be told no. >> cnn's anna stewart live for us in london this morning. and just, wow, anna. you know, one of the most remarkable moments was how the discussion of how dark archie's skin color may be. that was quite a bombshell. harry had a very honest take on their interracial marriage. listen to him. >> this and the specifics around her race, it was an opportunity, many opportunities, for my family to show some public support and i guess one of the most telling parts and the saddest parts i guess was over 70 members of parliament, female members of parliament, both conservative and labor came out and called out the colonial undertones yet no one from my family ever said anything over those three years. that hurts. but i also am acutely aware of where my family stand and how scared they are of the tabloids turning on them. >> anna, honestly here in the united states a riveting two hours of television. it will air in the u.k. later today. tonight really. how is it all going over in the u.k.? i know the papers are full of the coverage even though it hasn't aired there yet. >> reporter: exactly. they're dominated by this interview. the key headlines meghan saying she felt suicidal. that she asked for help from the palace and didn't get any and this bizarre consideraversation the color of their son's skin. one member of the royal family where they expressed concerns about how dark the color of their child's skin would be. absolutely extraordinary. now i can show you some of the newspapers. we have lots of editions through the night. this is from 1 a.m. this is published before the interview. they've called it mexile as the headline. it was very much like the megxit headlines. it was all put on to meghan. from that headline you can see not a lot has changed except the latest editions. they are a little bit more fair, a little bit. for one day perhaps only. >> the difference is now we get to hear her side of it. whereas, before she said she was silenced. we didn't get to hear herself defending. her and kate middleton widely reported at this time, this whole issue of making somebody cry. meghan tells a very different story. a broader point was just the double standard. i sort of forgot all the different ways meghan had been vilified where kate had been praised. listen to this. >> do you think there was a standard for kate in general and a separate one for you? if so, why? >> i don't know why. i can see now what layers at play there and, again, they really seemed to want a narrative of a hero and a villain. >> the biggest thing she seemed to say was just the lack of support she received and how they know how to push back when they want to. when they come after kate and the family, the firm does push back. for her, they didn't. >> reporter: that was what we got out of it in one of the teaser clips. she said she felt the firm had played an active role in perpetuating falsehood. once the press puts out a story that wasn't correct, they didn't correct them. they have a no comment policy. that has been so damaging. they have absolutely turned some of the stories on their head. this idea that meghan mate kate, the duchess of cambridge cry, meghan said, it was the exact opposite. we'll go to the palace to get some comment. i hope we get some. >> some daily mail headlines show you the hypocrisy of the coverage of the two women. we know last hour -- last half hour we played harry saying his dad prince charles stopped taking his calls after they decided to leave their duties. he has compassion for them as kings in waiting. here's what harry said about their relationships now. >> relationship with your father? is he taking your calls now? >> yeah. yeah. he is. there was a lot of work through that. i feel really let down because he's been through something similar. he knows what pain feels like. and archie's his grandson. but at the same time, of course i will always -- i will always love him. >> and your brother, relationship? much has been said about that. >> yeah, and much will continue to be said about that. as i've said before, i love william to bits. he's my brother. we've been through hell together. we have a shared experience but we are on different paths. the relationship is space at the moment and, you know, time heals all things hopefully. >> hopefully. anna, what does the future look like for this family? >> reporter: well, this has been hugely damaging for their reputation. as you hear there, very damaging for the relationships within the royal family. prince harry needs space, there's a lot of it over the atlantic. it wasn't all bad news. perhaps from this they can work on their relationships through the space and through speaking out about it. nothing's been left back it feels. there was also some good news in this interview. meghan and harry are expecting a little girl in the summer. they are living their new life in california. while it hasn't been a fairy tale so far. now it feels like the happiest ending of all fairy tales. them, archie, soon to be a little girl and a lot of chickens they rescued which we got to meet which was very enjoyable and a little bit random. >> a little bit random. i think that this interview is going to be viewed very differently from, you know, we are so close. the americans and the british are so close, you know, so close and yet i have a feeling we'll look at this interview from different prisms. it will be interesting to see what it looks like tomorrow from your view. anna stewart, thank you very much. joining us to talk about this remarkable interview. sarah bedell smith. a cnn contributor. thank you so much, sally. great to have you and your expertise. >> you're welcome. >> we heard so many references in this interview to what meagan called the firm, the institution. it sounds very mysterious. i think for a lot of people at home, they one wondered, who is talking about? >> the term the firm was originally devised by her -- by harry's great-grandfather, king george vi and it was -- it wasn't tongue in cheek but it was just a term that he began to use in relationship to the sort of business of the monarchy. it refers to the people. the people, obviously the members of the royal family and also their household who's with them and it was never meant to be what it sort of came across to be in the interviews as sort of mysterious, slightly ominous force called the firm. george vi came up with it not in a joking way but it certainly wasn't intended to be used in an ominous fashion which he made it sound like a mafia family. >> very matter of fact, not family, the firm. >> the firm. >> echos of principle sentences princess diana. he believes he saw something like this coming. he talked about the inher ra tans he received from her. what are the similarities. princess diana had a real heck of a time, diana did. now we're hearing about the trials of this couple. >> yes. well, i think there are many, many differences. the main similarity is that both diana and as it turns out now meghan and harry decided to present their side of the story in a tv documentary that they did secretly. i mean, diana's was held in secrecy forfar longer and it was in both cases they were bearing their souls. when harry talked about history repeating itself, he was really talking about diana's relationship with the press, which was very complicated. on the one hand, she hated it. she was pursued by it. on the other hand she courted it and she invited it. she invited people to come to see her in certain places when she knew that charles was going to be someplace else and her presence was certainly going to guarantee that there would be headlines in the next day -- in the tabloids the next day. diana was prlaying a very dangerous game with the press for many years. she thought that she was controlling the press but in the end it often backfired. as, by the way, panorama did. initially when she did panorama she went to william and said, you're going to be very proud of me and he felt quite the opposite. he felt mortified, humiliated and she ended up feeling a terrible sense of regret for the kinds of things that she had said, particularly about prince charles. basically she said he was a bad father. said he wasn't fit to be king. these were devastating things for his dad and so kind of looking at it in another way, you could say prince charles if he watched this, but even if it was reported to him, it was probably like some sort of terrible post traumatic stress syndrome flashback because the level of accusations, you know, whether they turn out to be accurate or not, or more a product of meghan's perception, i mean, i do know, i was around england a lot in 2018 in the period before the wedding, during the wedding when everybody was in love with meghan and everybody in the royal family and in their household and i did speak to people who were advising them, who were mapping out a -- you know, a series of roles for them that would be long term. you know, they were planning out years in advance. >> they certainly did not turn out the way i think we thought it would in 2018 or certainly the way, as you say, they were planning in the u.k. >> no. >> sally bedell smith, author of elizabeth the queen. thank you for walking through your perceptions of that fascinating story. >> you're welcome. quick programming note. 44 minutes past the hour. jake tapper hosts a live cnn special back to school, kids, covid and the fight to reopen friday night at 9 only on cnn. and buying a car 100% online. now we've created a brand-new way for you to sell your car. whether it's a year old or a few years old. we wanna buy your car. so go to carvana and enter your license plate answer a few questions. and our techno wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds. when you're ready, we'll come to you, pay you on the spot and pick up your car, that's it. so ditch the old way of selling your car, and say hello to the new way at carvana. what's the #1 retinol brand used most by dermatologists? tah-dah, it's neutrogena® with derm-proven retinol, rapid wrinkle repair® smooths the look of fine lines in 1-week, deep wrinkles in 4. so you can kiss wrinkles, and other wrinkle creams goodbye. rapid wrinkle repair® pair with our most concentrated retinol ever for 2x the power. neutrogena® t-mobile is the leader in 5g. we also believe in putting people first by treating them right. so we're upping the benefits without upping the price. introducing magenta max. now with unlimited premium data that can't slow down based on how much smartphone data you use. plus get netflix on us, and taxes and fees included! you won't find this with the other guys. in fact, you'll pay more and get less. right now, pay zero costs to switch! and bring your phone -- we'll pay it off! only at t-mobile. the check is, well, almost in the mail. not quite yet. first a trip back to the house and then to president biden's desk for signature. after that a matter of days before $1400 stimulus checks land in bank accounts. for the first time college aged dependents qualify for stimulus checks. $25 billion for grants for bars and restaurants. they can use it for payroll, mortgage and rent, utilities, food, concerts and other events receive funding with $1 million in grant money there. left out of the relief package, gyms. they argue they face the same restrictions as restaurants. harry and meghan are grabbing all the headlines. millions of children returning to the classroom today. cnn's isa soares live. this is the first time they're back in class since christmas? >> reporter: yeah. many of them, laura, very excited to be back. of course, they've been at home out of school home learning for some two months. you can imagine how wonderful it is to be back and seeing friends as one student said to me, often it's just flew text message or via zoom. it's wonderful to see your friends face to face and speak to your teachers, have that face-to-face learning. of course, laura, this, the setup they have in place is so different from the last time. much, much stricter from one-way corridors to facemasks that you can see behind me. many of them having to wear facemasks, face coverings, as well as the teachers while in class and throughout the school. plenty of hand sanitizing stations throughout the school. big difference and the fact that they have to have covid tests quite frequently. for the first two weeks of school opening the majority of people behind me, all of them have had to have covid tests already. they have to have two covid tests in the next two weeks. after that they will have to do their own rapid coronavirus tests at home. this is because the government's trying to make sure they can isolate those who they say are symptomatic to make sure that really the infection rate is not infected and to make sure they don't have to close schools down as they have in the past. it's part of boris johnson's plan to open up the country. they want to open up slowly and cautiously. can i interrupt you very quickly with a show of hands. how many of you are excited to be back? how many of you feel like you've fallen behind when you were doing home learning? and pretty quickly here, how many of you feel that what you have in place in school in terms of the regulations are enough to protect you, you can abide by those? okay. so the good majority as you just saw there feeling that it's great to be back and like one student said to me, it's uncomfortable to be testing myself every week and doing it for a greater cause. >> all those hands up. happy to be back in class. i imagine their parents are happy to have them back. >> indeed. jury selection begins today for former minneapolis police officer derek chauvin. he faces charges of second degree unintentional murder and mansl manslaughter. he pressed his knee down on floyd's neck for nearly 9 minutes killing him. he faces 40 years behind bars. cameras will be allowed in the courtroom. barriers have been erected outside and the intersection has been closed. 52 minutes past the hour. serena williams shows her support for meghan markle after the bombshell interview. andy scholes has more in the bleacher report. >> good morning. serena and meghan markle became good friends after playing on the same flag football team at a super bowl event back in 2014. we have, of course, seen meghan markle go support serena at her matches. serena throwing meghan markle a baby shower. serena posting on twitter saying markle lives her life and leads by example with empathy and compassion. she teaches me every day what it means to be truly noble. her words illustrate the pain and cruelty she's experienced. i know firsthand the sexism racism institutions the media uses to vilify women, break us down and demonize us. we must recognize our obligations to decry malicious unfounded gossip and tabloid journalism. the mental health consequences are devastating, isolating and all too often bleak. the nba meanwhile holding the annual all-star weekend all in one night in atlanta last night. the league raising more than $3 million for historical black colleges and universities. the nba honoring different hbcus and michael b. jordan chatted with vice president kamala harris. she's a proud graduate of howard university. she encouraged everyone to get the covid vaccine when it's their turn. lebron and steph curry were teammates for a game. this one would be steve, yannis and damien willard. stef was shooting no-look threes and caught an alley-oop in the game. he had 28 points. yannis made all 16 of his shots scoring a game high 35. he was your mvp. lillard hit the game winner from way downtown in the end and team lebron wins with the target score of 170. steph curry, three-point champion guy. i was there. pretty cool that they did it even though they didn't have a lot of fans. props to the nba forgetting it done. >> i bet there were a lot of divided households. i snatched that remote so fast from my husband. >> all stars. >> totally true. all right. thanks for joining us, everybody. i'm christine romans. >> i'm laura jarrett. 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