Transcripts For CNN New Day With Alisyn Camerota and John Berman 20240711

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Qanon rhetoric and violent conspiracies. According to politico this morning, greene showed no remorse for extreme positions, which included past support for assassination of top democratic officials. Politico also reports that Kevin Mccarthy and his top lieutenants are leaning towards removing green from one key house committee, not two. Is that enough . The future of powerful House Republican liz cheney also on the line after she had the audacity to vote her conscience in favor of impeaching trump for that capitol hill insurrection. But cnns Josh Campbell starts us off. Hes live in washington with more on officer sicknick lying in office. We take you live inside those images of the United States Capitol Rotunda, where the remains of fallen officer Brian Sicknick are lying in honor. Swe we have seen members of the Capitol Police coming in to pay their respects, also members of the national guard. Also lawmakers and staffers. That building remains closed to the general public that due to that ongoing threat since that capitol riot. But again, this honor being afforded to this Fallen Police officer. Last night, there was a very solemn ceremony as a hears arrived at the east steps of the capitol. His remains were carried up into the rotunda. An officer carrying a box with his ashes, another with an american flag. Again, lawmakers and Police Officers coming in to pay their respects. We got word just before 10 00 p. M. Last night that President Bidens motorcade had departed the white house for an unscheduled visit. He arrived with the first lady, dr. Jill biden. They approached his remains, placing their hands on their hearts. No speeches, just a very solemn tribute from the commander in chief. There was one moment, i want you to take a look at, we see biden walking up to two wreaths that were there, and he just shakes his head, seemingly projecting what so many people across the nation think. Just how senseless this tragedy was. This officer who had protected that building for over a decade, killed in the line of duty, due to a domestic Terrorist Attack on january 6th. Josh, whats the latest on the investigation into officer sicknicks death . What do we know . Sources tell us that officers are struggling right now. Investigators dont seem to have any leads at this moment as far as the person or persons that were responsible for his death. Thats somewhat baffling, because there are these mountains of evidence, videos, selfies, the like that were taken on the day of that siege, but what were hearing is they have not yet. Itted a moment where someone inflicked an injury upon this officer. We know he had collapsed later that evening and succumbed to his injuries. Our sources also telling cnn that it did not appear that the officer had any blunt force trauma. So they are still struggling at this hour trying to find the person or persons responsible. Were told that Murder Investigation continues. Thats a big development. If there was no blunt force trauma, thats different. Obviously, we had heard just leaking out, during these past weeks, that he was hit with something. But youre saying that want investigation may be going in a different direction. Reporter thats right. Thats what our sources are telling us, no blunt force trauma. Theres also talk about whether he had some sort of preexisting condition. We dont know the answer to that. Medical privacy issues at play there. But authorities are being very tightlipped as far as the cause of death. But we know at least according to federal officials that were talking, there is a Murder Investigation underway, its just at this point, we have not heard that that has borne any fruit, that they have any suspects in mind at this hour, but they are investigating. Josh, thank you very much for that update. Keep us posted. We have more Breaking News right now. Politico is reporting that minority leader Kevin Mccarthy is leaning towards removing qanon leader Marjorie Taylor greene from the Education Committee that she serves on. Lauren fox is live on capitol hill with more. What do we know . Reporter we know this morning, alisyn, that this meeting last night went for several hours between the minority leader Kevin Mccarthy and Marjorie Taylor greene. She has become a distraction for the republican party. What you heard yesterday from republican senators was essentially, she had become a distraction and as senator john thune told me, and not in a good way. Essentially, this is taking all of the air out of any discussion about issues republicans have with joe bidens agenda, any discussions they want to have about the future of their party, independent of former President Trump. And its becoming cripple for them. Look, in this meeting, we do know that there was essentially a lot of options laid out. One of them was that mccarthy was looking for Marjorie Taylor greene to show some remorse, to apologize. We know that she did not do that. I think one of the questions becomes, what ultimately happens here . And will she be removed from her Committee Assignments . She serves on both the education and the budget committee. We know that democrats have a meeting planned today in the rules committee to advance a resolution that would force a vote on the house floor if mccarthy doesnt take action on his own to actually oust her. Theres some concern that putting this on the floor could set a precedent, where in the future, if republicans control the chamber, they could take steps to oust democratic members from their committees if they made comments that republicans didnt like. This is a slippery slope. But i will tell you that all eyes will be on a 4 00 Conference Meeting here at the capitol where republicans are going to be discussing the future of not just Marjorie Taylor greene, but also liz cheney, the number three republican in leadership who we know voted to impeach former President Trump just a few weeks ago. Alisyn . Ill take it, lauren. Lauren fox in the capitol, please keep us posted. Joining me now, former republican congressman, francis rooney. Thanks so much for being on with us this morning. Always a pleasure to speak with you. The news in politico this morning is that House Republican leader Kevin Mccarthy is leaning towards removing Marjorie Taylor greene from the Education Committee. Your reaction to that reporting . Well, i think thats the least he ought to do. I think this lady is a pariah and a total distraction from any kind of rebuilding of the republican party. And i think its broader than just her. Im quite disaffected that mccarthy would have met with trump. Thats like churchill said about appeasers, they keep feeding the crocodiles and hoping theyll get eaten last. To that point, what message did it end when Kevin Mccarthy went to pmaralago for that picture with the former president. I think it says, wityou own us. How . And we have to redefine our party if were going to survive and go back to more traditional values. The fact that mccarthy is even struggling to figure out how to deal with Marjorie Taylor greene, the fact that this issue has lingered for as long as it has, what does that tell you about your party . It shows me the stark contrast between the leadership now and president george h. W. Bush, who didnt waste a second in denouncie ing david duke whee ran for office in louisiana. Why is it taking more than a second . Thats a really good question. I think a lot of things in the Congress Come down to fear of losing your job, getting primaried, fear of President Trump is the only way i can explain some of the pretty much irrational behavior of our Republican Leadership the last few years. I get it. Mccarthy has a decision to make. Marjorie Taylor Greene is absolutely responsible for the statements that she has made, knowingly made over the years. But what does it tell you that she was elected in the first place . She didnt trick the people in her district to vote for her. They knew what they were getting. Just look at what liz is encountering out in wyoming now. This trump fanaticism, which i encountered when i was in office, is beyond any kind of precedent in republican politics. And she would probably get elected again down there, but that doesnt mean that the Republican Leadership doesnt need to deal with her. But you also need to deal with a significant part of your voting group, dont you . Yeah, we do. That gets to the bigger question, again. I think we need to be moving forward on redefining what we stand for. This party was around a long time and represented limited government, free enterprise, business solutions, private enterprise solutions, and a strong Foreign Policy and we seem to have lost a lot of that in the recent years. And somehow, if we cant move forward in a positive manner, i think were kind of like a dodo bird here. I keep on saying, your party, your party. Congressman rooney, is this party still your party . No, im not sure that the party of trump is my party at all. Im for the traditional Republican Values that i think have built a strong country and have helped us build a strong multinational network of security since world war ii. And all of thats been undermined in the last four years. Youve talked about house conference chair liz cheney, the thirdranking republican in the house of representatives. There will be a meeting in the caucus later today to decided her fate. Her crime in the eyes of some republicans is voting to impeach the former president of the United States. You know, its a real possibility. I dont know how today will play out, congressman. But its a real possibility at the end of today, Marjorie Taylor greene will still be in congress with Committee Assignments and liz cheney will have lost her job in house leadership. What will it tell you if liz cheney is the one to suffer as a result of everything we have seen in the last month . That would be a thoroughly abhorrent result and i hope it doesnt happen. And i applaud liz for speaking out. I almost voted to impeach him the first time, got real close to it. Spent a lot of time with the speaker discussing it. But you just dont purge someone for a difference of opinion, okay . Weve got to be a broad weve got to cast a wide net and have a broad tent in our party if were going to be successful. And we youd to be much more tolerant of different ideas than we appear to be right now. How broad is that tent, right . Can that tent include both someone like liz cheney or Merry Christmas mitt romney and Marjorie Taylor greene . It should be able to. Remember the days when there was the nelson rockefeller, Harold It Staszen Wing and the Barry Goldwater wing. And they were able to reconcile themselves and stay focused upon the most fundamental principles which they agreed. Mitt romney says we need to have a big tent, but the tent doesnt need to include conservatives and kooks. The tent doesnt need to be that big, according to mitt romney. If i might add on that, conservatives are one thing. This green lady is a kook. She is a negative influence on everything. And about conservatism, congressman, i think one of the things that people followed your career, five, ten years ago, no one on earth would have ever questioned your conservative credentials. Your credentials as a republican with traditional republican beliefs, i think, are unquestioned. So in that vein, i am curious how you think President Biden is doing so far in his job . I think hes off to a great start. I like a lot of his appointments. Certainly, Secretary Of State blinken, who i have met before when i was doing things in the department. I think hes tried to reach out to republicans. Well see where that goes. It may not go as far as some of us may like, but hes certainly exuded an atmosphere of president ial calm and leadership. And we sadly need that right now. Congressman francis rooney, i do appreciate you coming on this morning, getting up early and talking to us. Your incivil sight is invaluabl this time. A new letter just released from hundreds of Congressional Staffers detailing their harrowing experience during the capitol siege. What effect will that have on the Impeachment Trial, next. If you have. Moderate to severe psoriasis,. Little things. 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They urged the senate to convict donald trump, writing, quote, on january 6th, the former president broke americas 230year legacy of the peaceful transition of power when he incited a mob to disrupt the counting of Electoral College votes. The use of violence and lies to overturn an election is not worthy of debate. Either you stand with the republic or you stand against it. End quote. Joining us now, cnns senior legal analyst, laura coates, and cnn political analyst, david gregly. Laura, how much of a role in this trial will the firsthand accounts of the people who lived through it play . So in other words, i know that we havent heard yet if theyre actually calling live witnesses, but maybe they dont have to if they have written accounts like this. These are really important, alisyn. Because, remember, we all watched on television, as it unfolded on january 6th. And so we had one vantage point. And it makes it seems as if we are all privy to all of the information. But these staffers were inside. They were in the rooms where it happened. They had the fear. It was them who was directly imperiled. And they were able to see all the things that the cameras did not pick up. All of the moments, all of the comments that were being made. Statements boebl could not hear. And the followup of it. Were they frantically trying to call and get backup. Were their leaders, their officials safe, were they themselves safe . This is very important in developing the case. And one of the things that trumps lawyers have said, were going to stipulate to the videos. Fine, we all know what happened. Well, the truth of it is, we dont know the extent of what happened. So we want to show how imperiled a branch of government was, how imperiled americans were because of a big lie. But the reporting is, we cant see any republican staffers that sign on . I cant tell if republican Congressional Staffers have signed on at this point z. Its unclear if there are any republicans. It may all be democrats, which in and of itself is revealing. This is the problem. What were talking about witnesses, were talking about how compelling these kinds of pleas will be from people who are inside the building. This is coming from a desire to actually have a legal proceeding against the president. And thats not what we have. We have a political proceeding. And its not going to prevail. By all accounts, its not going to prevail, other than the fact that he is no longer in office. Other than the fact that it most likely, his actions cost the republicans control of the senate and two Georgia Senate seats. And you have a republican leader in the country in Mitch Mcconnell who has sent out signals that perhaps the president should be convicted. That the party ought to try to expunge him from their political life. But its not having that impact. You think thats the ultimate disappointment, that this is not a legal proceeding, which was and is available to the department of justice, but doesnt look like its going to happen. This is a political proceeding and we appear to know the outcome already. Here is what we are hearing from the trump impeachment defense team. This is part of their argument, okay, laura . This is where they try to argue, quote, insufficient evidence exists, upon which a reasonable jurist could conclude that the 45th President s statements were accurate or not. And he therefore denies that they were false. What . What are they talking about . Bill barr had enough evidence. I dont know. I only have one moon on my planet, so im not sure what happened there, alisyn. When people make those comments about what we dont know. And im sorry to cut you off. The idea here that we dont know whether the president s statements were accurate, surrounding what has been coined the big lie is a very absurd statement to make, but its playing to the point that david is speaking about, isnt it, al as you know . If youre talking about a court of law, you have to deal and operate within the realm of facts. If youre talking about political trials and youre talking about the idea of rhetoric and the idea of pinning things against a wall, trying to have some semblance of truth without actually having truth. And here you dont even have either. But i would want to say one thing to davids point. I know that the concern for a lot of people, this is an exercise in futilfutility, i kn america, our favorite pastime is not baseball. Theres a Binary Choice of what has to happen, conviction or acquittal. But also the process here is important. And the process of understanding what exactly happened. Having Legislative Branch assert themselves as a coequal branch. Not being able to be vulnerable when someone wants to retain power in another branch. We start thinking about the process politically of why impeachment is important. Not just how its viewed through the criminal context lens. David qu . I agree with that. And i would add on to what laura is saying, what do you do . We cant have leaders questioning our elections. If our elections are not trustworthy in this country, we really have a problem as a democracy. Thats the tension i struggle with. That fact, you can havent one branch of government launching an attack literally and figuratively on another branch of government. It also matters how other democracies in the world view the United States as we still seek to project influence and in a lot of cases our power around the globe. These things really matter. The question is, what do you do . You do have other political avenues. You could pursue a censure, which would be as likely as the outcome here. As much as were going to learn new details, new harrowing details, i think people know what they know, if they bore witness to what happened. And theyre unlikely to be swayed by how the politicians argue about it. And it will be something of a side show, frankly, for a lot of people, if theyre paying attention, as if to theres even a constitutional purview here for the senate to be having this trial. Which is obviously an area that the president is pursuing in his defense. So, laura, in addition to the constitutional defense, to which the House Manager says, theres no january exception to impeachment. You cant just say, because the president is a few weeks, maybe a few months or even longer, who knows how long this process could take, he or she is exempt from being impeached. Its hard to imagine the framers would ever intend to that other side of the defense coming from the former president is the First Amendment, saying he had a First Amendment right to say whatever he wanted to say. Let me just read a little bit of that. The 45th President exercised his First Amendment right under the constitution to express his belief that the Election Results were suspect. Now, again, i think this is an important distinction between what happens in a court of law and what happens in an Impeachment Trial. The standard are vastly different. There are things that a president might say that are impeachable, impeachable, but are legally within free speech, correct . Thats correct. There are some primers out there. Notice the words they said. That hes entitled to profess his policebeliefs. He wasnt just saying his views on the election. He went beyond that. You have a First Amendment right to protected speech. The question is whether his statements went beyond the normally characterized protected speech. If youve incited violence, if you have intended violence to occur, if you have called for the action to come at a temporal place, real in time, not an indefinite point, and set it in the context where violence was foreseeable, the Supreme Court has already said, look, that is no longer protected speech. Thats the hurdle, thats the hill theyll have to climb. And although its not a criminal preeg or one that would find its way before an appellate court, theyre going to have to have the underlying foundation met nonetheless. If you compare the two breathes, that the house Impeachment Managers have a very clear understanding of protected speech having limitations and the others saying, this is just hyperbole, political rhetoric that everyone else does. Everyone has not engaged in this and an insurrection has not occurred every time somebody has offered their opinion. It happened that day, for a particular reason, and a unique actor was in a position to be able to quell the unrest and we have to see whether he knew he did it, whether he intended to, and whether he failed to actually call back the insurrectionists, as he was in a unique position to do. If you just listen to the mob , they heard the order loud and clear. Before anyone was arrested, they explained why they were there and who sent them there. Laura and david, thank you both very much. Could a new vaccine not on prevent sickness but slow the spread of coronavirus . We discuss the new study just out and what it means for all of us. The new myww gives you more of what you need to help you lose weight more simplicity with whats in your fridge . Which suggests meals based on what you have. More motivation with ondemand workout classes. More freedom with over 300 zero point foods. And new tools to boost your mood and help keep you hydrated get more of what you need to help you lose weight. 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Boost Glucose Control products contain high quality protein and key nutrients to support immune health. Try boost. All right. We do have Breaking News. A new study from the United Kingdom finds that the astrazeneca vaccine not only prevents serious illness, but substantially slows the transmission of the virus. Joining us now is dr. Paul offit. Hes the director of the Vaccine Education Center at the Childrens Hospital in philadelphia. Also a member of the fdas vaccine advisory committee. And dr. Offit, this is important if it bears out, because one of the big open questions about vaccines in general, we have seen them preventing serious illness, maybe even hospitalizations and death. They help people from getting seriously sick. But we havent known whether the vaccines keep you from spreading the virus to other people. And this study on astrazeneca has found that its a 67 transmission reduction. How important is this . Whats your take on this finding . Its good news. I would like to point out, they looked to see whether or not they were preventing asymptomatic viral shedding. That may be true with the vaccines with pfizer and moderna who didnt look that hard when they did those studies. I think if we look at those two vaccines in the same manner, they may also reduce shedding. And there are a number of vaccines out there that we currently have like the Rota Vie Virus vaccine or the flu vaccine which dont necessarily prevent asymptomatic shedding. The implication is if youre shedding less, in theory, you contaminate or infect fewer people. Its still good news if youre shedding less virus. And this matters for where we are right now in the push to vaccinate more people, in an attempt to get ahead of these variants. Its good news. And we are also sort of redoing the same sort of study in the United States with the uk astrazeneca product, where theyre going to look at two doses given a month apart and well see whether in the American Population if we find similar things. A lot of people wrote in, viewers, and they have questions for you. And i want to get to some of these. I want to skip right to one from adam. Because this is a question that i think all of us have Going Forward in terms of how well get our vaccines. He says, will it be wise to get a vaccine at a nonmedical facility, for example, a pharmacy or a school, given the possible, if unlikely possibility of an earlyic reaction . If someone has an anaphylactic reaction in a cvs or a walmart, can a Farm Pharmacist Handle Th . Im sure they can, but what about at a mass vaccination site . The rate of allergic reaction for vaccines was about 1 per million. The recommendation has always been to wait for at least 15 minutes beafter youve gotten a vaccine to make sure you dont have a reaction so they can give you a shot of epinephrine. You need to be in a place that has epinephrine. You need to be in that kind of place. Pharmacies are that kind of place and pharmacies have given vaccines before. But now were looking at places that dont typically give vaccines, need to make sure that epinephrine is around. I have a viewer question. Its from me, john, in new york, who writes, theres also this study out of the United Kingdom that is looking at the variant that has been prevalent there, with some suggestion that the variant is mutating in way to become more resistant to the vaccines. How are we to interpret this . Thats what you worry about. Ever since this bat virus that came out of wuhan, it was actually a variant. And we have a number of other than variants, the uk variant, the South African variant, now the california variant. The Critical Committee is, are these variants going to escape recognition by vaccinereduced immunity. But more importantly, are they able to escape recognition for really preventing severe infection . What it looks like right now is that the uk variant is still fully susceptible to vaccineinduced immunity. Thats good. Its the South African and its country, the brazilian variant that you worry about. And what it looks like so far, is that while these vaccines like the vaccines that we have here in this country are less effective at prevents moderate to severe disease, they seem to still be very effective against preventing severe disease. I think when you should really start to worry about this is when you see people who are fully vaccinated who are nonetheless hospitalized with covid19 because of one of these variants. Thats when you know weve crossed an important line. And in the meantime, before that happens, we have to make sure that were at least gearing up to make vaccines against these variants in case that happens. Did that answer johns question . John from new york is very satisfied with that answer. Lets move on to gwendolyn. Since the Johnson Johnson vaccine has an 85 efficacy, can it act as a therapeutic to cut down on severe symptoms after you already have coronavirus . Right, no. Its a prophylactic vaccine, its not a therapeutic vaccine. It doesnt treat infection. That wouldnt be of value. On Johnson Johnson, you were on last week the minute that we got the Press Release on the third phrase of that trial and you had barely had a chance to digest it yet. At that point, your thinking was, it may not be as effective as moderna and pfizer, but its a good weapon to have. A good thing to have in the arsenal to fight this pandemic. Since then, have you had a chance to dig a little bit deeper. How have your views maybe changed . Johnson johnson will submit their approval for emergency use authorization. Then the panel will get to look at all of those data. So will the fda. Well get two 100page documents that goes through all of that data. Right now, you and me and alisyn are all dealing with Press Release data. I think well be able to dig down on those data when the Johnson Johnson submits for approval. Dr. Offit, thank you very much. We always appreciate the information. Thank you, my pleasure. We want to take a moment now to remember some of nearly 447,000 americans lost to coronavirus. Alfredo had just expanded his business from A Pina Colada Stand that showed up at festivals all over portland, oregon, to a Brick And Mortar cocktail bar called tropical. He had dreams of building the bar into a cocktail impempire. He was just 32 years old. Jessa was a 30year veteran of the new York Fire Department and had survived being a World Trade Center first responder. Erhe yea. He is the first active fdny firefighter to die of coronavirus. The long island father of three was 61 years old. Captain sir tom moore raised 54 million to support british hospitals in the middle of the pandemic by walking a hundred lapse around his tiny garden by his 100th birthday. The World War Ii Army veteran was knighted by Queen Elizabeth for his efforts. Boris johnson called Captain John A Hero in the truest sense of the word. Well be right back. Exactly two weeks since joe biden became president of the United States, so how factual has the Biden Administration been so far . John avlon with a reality check. Reporter this week, President Joe Biden met with republican senators about covid19 relief. And there were no reports of insults exchanged or president ial temper tantrums. Over the weekend, biden went to mass and worked in the oval office. There were no rage tweets or incitement of insurrection. Its been a long time, but is this what normal feels like . Now, there are ways to qualify the crazy we just went through. Like this number. And thats the grand total of false or misleading statements made by donald trump over the course of his presidency. That averages to around 21 false claims a day. No wonder Fact Checking was a Growth Industry in the trump era. One analysis showed that Fact Checking organizations worldwide grew from around 145 in 2016 to 304 in 2020. But in the opening days of the biden presidency, Fact Checkers have been adjusting to a new normal. Take this headline from cnns daniel dale. He went through bidens big economic speech and found seven claims worth Fact Checking. The accuracy was usually a question of calculations or characterizations. Debatable details, but far from willful lies. Biden has gotten one dreaded four pinocchios rating about an inaccurate claim that Foreign Company contracts went up 40 under trump. The actual number was 8. 4 . Of course, the partisan Outrage Machine is still looking to score points. It claims that biden flip flipflopped on a Campaign Pledge and banned all fracking were false. Instead, he suspended oil and gas drilling on federal lands, as promised. Another game of gotcha was seen in claims that biden was contradicting Campaign Pledges not to abuse Executive Orders, falsely claiming he was admitting acting like a dictator. Enough with the hypocritical pearl clutching, people. Yes, biden has issued more than 40 Executive Actions since entering office. Reversing many Executive Orders put in place by donald trump. But republicans renewed focus on Executive Orders doesnt exactly pass the smell test when you consider that trumps 220 were higher than the 147 from obamas first term, so if theres a different cadence to coverage of biden to date, remember that journalism is a search for the truth. And if you have a president who lies every day, its not going to go well. Thats not just those pesky journalists. According to an internal postmortem of the trump campaign, by their own pollster, analyzing publicly available survey data, trump lost partially because the former president suffered from Voter Perception that he wasnt honest or trustworthy. Now, of course, every president will be held accountable by the press. The Biden Administration will have its share of mistakes and misstatements, scandals and even outright lies. But it would be naive in the extreme to assume that the need for Fact Checking will lessen with the new president. Because the Disinformation Ecosystem is still in overdrive. Democracy depends on reasoning together. But our Cynic Debates have become polluted by lies and conspiracy theories. So its part of the news that people need most right now, cutting through the chaos, adding crucial context, and fighting for the idea that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts. And thats your reality check. Our thanks to john for that. This morning, we are waiting to see how House Republican leader Kevin Mccarthy handles qanon member of congress, Marjorie Taylor greene. In the meantime, we have an extraordinary report. A onetime qanon supporter speaks out. In a way, i probably lost touch with a little bit of reality, and almost like common sense. And so im not so much embarrassed for what i believed, but i mean, i feel foolish. So how she fell into the rabbit heole of conspiracies. And this is fascinating, the one thing she says that could have pulled her out. Look at this human trying to get in shape. You know what he will get . Muscle pain. Give up, the couch is calling. I say, its me, the couch, im calling. Pain says you cant. Advil says you can. Research shows that people remember commercials with exciting stunts. So to help you remember that Liberty Mutual customizes your Home Insurance, heres something you shouldnt try at home. 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One South Carolina mom who became a qanon follower actually feared that she and her daughter would have to go into hiding after President Biden took office because of all the disinformation she fell for. Then, her qanon fever broke and she came to her senses. Donie osullivan joins us with her story. Tell us what happened. Her whole trajectory. Hey, alisyn. Many followers of qanon still believe this Conspiracy Theory, but we spoke to one woman who Vote Forward Trump In November but recently just realized qanon is a lie. Have a listen. When President Biden was sworn in i Joseph Robinette biden i was crying. That ugly cry that you do. It kept going. Oh, my gosh. Im seeing the funeral of our country. Instantly, i went into panic mode. I had to call my mom. Were all going to die. Were going to be owned by china. I might have to pull my daughter out of school because theyre going to take her. I was scared to death. Reporter ashley vanderbilt, a South Carolina mom who lost her job early in the pandemic fell deep down the qanon Conspiracy Theory rabbit hole before novembers election. How did you get into this world and go down this rabbit hole . Well, i started seeing tiktoks, and i didnt know it was conspiracy things. I just thought it was they were telling me something that nobody else knew. Then id reach out to different friends of mine that were bigger trump supporters. I would say, you know, i saw this on tiktok, what do you think . And theyd start sending me youtube videos, different facebook lives videos, and one thing led to another. I went down this Rabbit Hole Learning all this stuff. What have we heard the last four, five years. Dont watch the news. I dont watch the news. I dont read newspapers. Ive always been someone that you just tell me what to do, and i do it. I grew up being told we were republican so ive always been that straight red ticket. How do you think videos like this started showing up in your feed. Originally, i was just following entertainment stuff. Some time when people started campaigning, i started liking a lot of trump posts and things and the algorithm must have brought that thing to me. Before the inauguration, you didnt think joe biden was going to get sworn in. I expected a blackout and nothing to work so we wouldnt see anything. The assumption would be that most of the Democratic Leaders there, quite a few of the republican leaders, All The Hollywood Elite that attended, theyd all be arrested. The military is going to haul them off. They said that trump opened back up Guantanamo Bay and the military would run the country, put us in martial law because the left had become too unhinged and would become a danger to us and trump would come back when the government was rebuilt. I know it sounds crazy. But you believed this . I did. And then biden got sworn in. How did you feel . I was devastated. The belief is that biden would not be inaugurated was wrong. Ashley realized she had bought into a Conspiracy Theory. I was wrong. How do you feel now knowing that you believed all this stuff . Its weird. A lot of time this year isolated from everybody. I lost my job last april in 2020, and i was super depressed. And i think in a way, i probably lost touch with a little bit of reality in that almost that common sense. And so i am not so much embarrassed for what i believed, but i mean, i feel foolish. Stressed out all the time so my home life with my 4yearold, i feel i had a lot less patience with her. There would be times where id just snap and get so upset with her. So ive apologized to her a lot for, im sorry for even getting hateful toward you. Its not you. Its me. Ive got my own stuff going on. You must be happy that for your daughters sake youve been able to get out of this . Yeah, she needs her mom, and i wasnt 100 there like i should have been. A spokesperson for tiktok said the company is committed to countering misinformation and content promoting qanon is not allowed on its platform. After Finding Qanon true tiktok, ashley said the only thing that may have pulled her out of it before the inauguration was if trump spoke out against it. I was the Biggist Trump supporter there was. If he were to have said something, and if he were to just say, q is illegitimate. Nothing is real in there, i think some people would leave. Maybe not all the people, but i think it would have helped a lot. It would have helped you . Uhhuh. I thought the world of him. If he said, thats not real, im not gocoming back it is over, i would have believed him. Oh, my gosh, donie. Its so valuable to have somebody as honest now and sort of now selfaware as she is to explain how it happens. I think that that was very insightful hearing that i isolation and depression lead to it and so to tiktok and isolation and if thats where you get your information or your news, were in trouble. Here you have a 27yearold mom in South Carolina. And shes able to come out and say, i was wrong. And shes able to come out and denounce qanon for what it is. A crazy Conspiracy Theory. Yet theres people in the republican party, like Marjorie Taylor greene, who are members of congress but are not coming out to do just what this mother is doing. The end there, where she said the one thing that could have changed her mind is if the former president had come out and said this sis all made up o said qanon is wrong, which is the opposite of what he said. Hes come out and said these are good people who just love america. This really puts it on him, in a way. Yeah, i mean, trump is the hero in the qanon story, right . He is the hero. Hes a godlike figure. Ashley there even said shes a religious person. Shes a christian. She was wondering at points if she was putting trump above god. And what do we see trump do . We saw him praise qanons followers and saw him engage and retweet what many of the accounts are pushing this Conspiracy Theory. Another insight that she had, where she said, you know, basically in my life, you just tell me what to do, and i do it. and i think that was also really honest. Some people are followers. There are some people who are leaders. Some are followers. Thats just true. No judgment there. But its followers looking to a leader, and donald trump wasnt giving them real information. Yeah, and she was extremely candid about her ignorance, frankly. She said, i dont watch the news. I dont read newspapers. Weve been told for four, five years about the fake news, fake news, fake news. Now she reevaluates her politics, as she reevaluates her beliefs, shes going to start engaging with journalism. After this interview, she posted on tiktok to spread the message about helping people get out of conspiracy theories. She posted saying, i just finished an interview with cnn. You know, when i believed this Conspiracy Theory, when i was in qanon, this was the evil News Organization that i was most afraid of. I have to say a big part of that is the fact that she was willing to do it is how great of a reporter you are and how youve approached this from the beginning. You are doing a service to everyone. Youre doing a service to truth in your reporting on this. Thanks for shining a light on this. Our News Ambassador donie. I totally agree. He can single handedly turn some of this around. Because the former president chose not to. That was really, really a stark revelation there. New day continues right now. Today we must never forget, and its a day the officers family will never forget. Hes inherently so empathetic. These officers were part of his life for so many years. An officer is murdered. Close to 100 officers injured. Its so incumbent on leaders to call out these dark, divisive conspiracies. I think were watching the moral collapse of the republican party. This is a product of four years of people being silent about donald trump. I dont think ms. Greene should lose her Committee Assignments. I think ms. Greene is going to be gone, kicked off her Committee Assignments. This is new day with john berman and alisyn camerota. Welcome to our viewers. This is new day. He gave his life defending the u. S. Capitol. The remains of fallen u. S. Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick lie in honor inside the building where he was killed four weeks ago during the insurrection. This morning, u. S. Capitol Police Officers and members of congress are filing past the casket there. They are honoring the slain officer inside the Capitol Rotunda where some of the hideous action happened four weeks ago. President biden and first lady and lawmakers who sicknick gave his life for paid their respects last night. You can see that here. Today House Managers will lay out their case against former President Trump for insooith that insurrection. They argue mr. Trump is singularly responsible for the deadly capitol siege. They want him barred from ever seeking Public Office again. Mr. Trumps lawyers claim their clients speech was protected by the First Amendment and a Senate Conviction would be unconstitutional. This morning, President Biden is weighing in. All right. Breaking this morning. New reporting from politico that House Republican leade

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