Transcripts For CNN CNN Tonight With Don Lemon 20240711

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Thank you for watching. Its time for the big show. Cnn tonight and the big star, don lemon. Da big show with d lemon. Da. Hows it going . Were in flux, brother. What you mean by that . A lot of people for a moment there were like oh, i feel like the energys different, theres some kind of relief. That blew past fast. Theres a lot of stuff going on. Are you making fun of me . No. I like to call you out by name. But you know, look, whether its the gamestop stuff, people are angry. Theyre easily driven to action. It doesnt mean its always in their best interest. Of Course Investing is always about speculation, but its intoxicating. You want to fight the man. The price is going up. This is great. Im staying in. Im betting on myself. I should have researched. Im not sure it was thats what i said when we talked on thursday, but im not so sure about that. Do you know who Scott Galloway is . The professor. Ive been following him. Yeah. He talks about that. I think it has a lot to do with bro culture, and i think that is its a lot more nuanced than we think. And i think its a lot of people who are online trying to get rich quick. Mmhmm. That whole, like, against the man thing. I think thats a great narrative to spin. Im not exactly sure that is what it is because as we know, listen, you used to work in finance, didnt you . Mmhmm. You know everything is its going to go back to the fundamentals no matter how hard you try. To a certain degree. Im just worried about when that happens. There are going to be very few people who are going to get rich quick, right . Most people are going to lose money. Look, again, thats the game. Yeah. And it is a game. Im just worried about this particular dynamic because weve never seen anything like it before at this scale. And, you know, i had portnoy on and he was making the case, i dont treat people like theyre stupid or like theyre infants. Neither do we. I talk up to my audience on a regular basis. Im saying when youre not in the investing game and you dont understand the loss culture personally, saying dont bet more than you could lose is not as simple as that very often. I agree. But i also see it as a layered effect of what were dealing with in congress. Yep. How we cant even dismiss qanon out of hand. How Mitch Mcconnell cant even call marjorie by name. Taylor greene. At least he came out tonight and said qanon has no place in the party. Im not ready to give him a medal for that. Me either. I didnt like the media saying its an amazing statement. Its an obvious statement. Whats amazing is it took so long. But whats more amazing, don, is hes in the minority. Hes in a distinct minority in his own party of people who have come out against her. The former president just met with her, and she said he has my back. Its crazy. And not only is he in the minority on this, hes in the minority because of trump and because of this, because there were many people around the country who did not want this kind of craziness, especially at the top, and people who were cosigning it from the top, from the Biggest Office in the land. So im not so sure why those folks will continue to follow the former president and to make excuses for Marjorie Taylor greene. But i think its at the detriment of not only their reputations and their legacies but also at the detriment of the Republican Party and the guys are worried about antifa and what they can mean in their ugliest manifestations and theyre quiet about this . Listen, antifa does things that are wrong. But you know sometimes criminal. And youve got to call it out. They fall off a skateboard and its antifa, and they blame the insurrection on sthant faa and it had nothing to do with it. E bogeyman. Ill tell you what. My last point is my beginning. The crowdsourcing when it comes to gamestop and that, i get it. Well see where it goes. Im worried about it. I already know the answer of the other crowdsourcing thats happening right now. And it was the released kraken the opened pandoras box by the retrumpl retrumplicans. These Extremist Groups now have access to rank and file republicans and independents, and they are radicalizing like crazy. You talk to anybody in the business of tracking them. Theyve never seen open dialogue like these hate groups are having right now and theyre catching on like fire. The reason that cliche has become cliche is because sometimes theyre true. You cannot put the genie back in the bottle. And thats what Mitch Mcconnell and those folks are trying to do. Not going to happen. Thank you, sir. Ill see you soon. D. Lemon, i love you. I love you too. This is cnn tonight. Im don lemon. Hope you had a good weekend and youre safe. We have a big noreaster up here. Its not pretty. So we have some Breaking News tonight. President biden sits down with ten republican senators to try to find some Common Ground on covid relief while were in a race against time. We really are. A race that we cannot afford to lose because were going to lose a lot of people. We have already, and were going to continue to lose more not only from the Health Ramifications of this but economic as well. That as Conspiracy Theory congresswoman Marjorie Taylor greene may be about to get her come to jesus moment. Maybe. Well see. Mitch mcconnell putting out a statement tonight calling her lies, quote, a cancer for the Republican Party, without deigning to name the congresswoman. He didnt do it. He says that loony lies and Conspiracy Theories are cancer for the Republican Party and our country. Somebody who suggested that perhaps no airplane hit the Pentagon On 9 11, that horrifying School Shootings were prestaged, and that the clintons crashed jfk jr. s airplane is not living in reality. Then he goes on to say this has nothing to do with the challenges facing American Families or the robust debate on substance that can strengthen our party. Quote from Mitch Mcconnell, everyone. Which is all true, what he said. She said all of that. Its odd theres never any evidence shown for a plane in the pentagon. Media coverage yes, i could dive into kennedy getting killed in the plane crash because isnt It Interesting that he had announced he was going to run for senate just before he died in a mysterious plane crash. She said it, okay . So, okay, so sure. It took a long time for Mitch Mcconnell to Say Something about all that. Marjorie Taylor Greene has been publicly embracing trump and vice versa. You cannot erase all of that with a statement. Too little, too late. Not even naming her. And if you think shes sorry, i want you to get this. The congresswoman tweeting tonight, the real cancer for the Republican Party is weak republicans who only know how to lose gracefully. This is why we are losing our country. The translation is, i know you are, but what am i . But its beyond childish. Mitch mcconnell is trying to put the genie back in the bottle, as i said, after enabling all of this for years. He tried to signal to senators not to make objections to the Electoral College certification. He tried to signal that it would be okay to impeach trump. You cant control these forces forever. And now republicans are going to have to face the bitter reality of what they enabled. Sources telling cnn that Kevin Mccarthy could meet with Marjorie Taylor greene as soon as tomorrow. Democrats planning to deliver an ultimatum, though, to mccarthy this week. That ultimatum is you have 72 hours to strip greene of her Committee Assignments or democrats will bring the issue to the house floor. What what has happened to the Republican Party . What has all this enabling done to them . What . Seriously, i want you to ponder all of that. More and more members of the gop running for the exits now. Christopher purcell, who worked in the george w. Bush white house for six years, reportedly saying 60 to 70 former bush officials have decided to leave the party. Thats according to reuters. That as the previous president s Impeachment Trial, his second Impeachment Trial by the way, just one week away. And were getting a preview tonight of how the Impeachment Managers will argue the case, with shocking details of what happened at the capitol that day, arguing that the thenpresident intentionally incited rioters with months and months of lies to steal the election, right . And hes still doing it. A Trump Adviser is telling cnn that the president former president is still obsessed with his false Conspiracy Theory. He wants his new legal team, after the first team quit over the weekend just left, right . He wants them to argue his big lie even now, even after the bloody insurrection at the u. S. Capitol. Again, think about that for a minute. He wants his Impeachment Defense to be exactly the same as his behavior that started the insurrection. When youre 70something years old, you dont change. You know that. Lies on top of lies. Same as it ever was. Same as it ever was. The former president time after time put his own political survival ahead of the good of this country. A president who did things other president s wouldnt dare dream of doing. So should he still be getting Intelligence Briefings . Made a determination about whether it will continue to extend the privilege of Intelligence Briefings to former president trump, given the concerns among some democrats that hell either misuse it or leverage it to enrich himself . This is a good question. Ive raised it with our Intelligence Team or our National Security team, i should say. Its something obviously thats under review. Under review. Lets remember. Remember this . Russia, if youre listening russia, if youre listening, i hope youre able to find the 30,000 emails. Lets remember that perfect call. Perfect. The one that got him impeached the first time. I had a very good call with the president of ukraine. I assume thats what youre talking about. The call was perfect. Lets remember him saying that he would take Opposition Research from a foreign power. If somebody called from a country, norway, we have information on your opponent. Oh, i think id want to hear it. What is his obsession with norway . Norway is not going to call with information on your opponent. Just think about just the two or three things that i just showed you. That was like a random tuesday or wednesday or thursday in the trump white house. Can you imagine that happening now . Heads would be popping off all over from republicans and state media. Oh, my gosh, joe biden, information from a foreign oh, my gosh. And now . Or then when it happened, silence. Nothing. It was okay. But i digress because you know why . Sharing Classified Information with russians in the oval office is another example. This is a former president who is about to be tried for inciting a domestic Terror Attack on the capitol. Should we still be trusting him with intelligence secrets . Common sense, people. And in the party that enabled him for years, the hypocrisy is just off the charts, everywhere. Members of Congress Afraid to speak up about Marjorie Taylor greene but all too willing to throw liz cheney under the bus. Liz cheney. Meghan mccain blaming the media for reporting on the craziness coming out of her own party. The more that the Mainstream Media continues to come out and say that all republicans are birthers and crazy people and we believe in space lasers, then the more it makes traditional republicans and there are still a lot of them in the country go back into their corners. And this is becoming very tribal, and i would argue this is how we got trump in the first place. Look, i dont know anybody who said all. I think that people are hearing that. Thats selective hearing. Meghan, that is selective hearing. That is not what people are saying. And you cant blame the media for that. That is something that the Republican Party must fix itself. The media is the media. Marco rubio afraid to hold Trump Accountable because it will just anger the insurrectionists. I think the trial is stupid. I think its counterproductive. We already have a flaming fire in this country, and its like taking a bunch of gasoline and pouring it on top of the fire. Okay. And those its always somebody elses fault. Its always its always someone elses fault. How about we have a problem in our party, and if we dont fix the Marjorie Taylor greenes, the insurrectionists, the Conspiracy Theories, all that, people are going to paint us with a broad brush, and rightfully so because what does that mean . That means that in some way, we are condoning their behavior when enough people dont speak up about it and when we blame everybody else for our problems in our own house. It doesnt mean that all republicans believe that, but it is the Republican Party and members of said party, who were doing what . Trying to overturn an election, beating up Police Officers at the capitol, storming the capitol, going into peoples offices. They were doing that In The Name Of what . The leader of the free world at the time, the president of the United States, and the leader of the Republican Party, who was and is donald trump. So stop blaming the media and other people and mirror. Hold it up to your own party and your own people and hold yourselves accountable. And those Insurrectionists Who Rioted at the capitol to stop the steal, right . What about them . Well, heres what cnn has learned. Some of them never even voted in the election that they claimed to be protesting. There are still some republicans who are ready to move some who are ready to move forward and leave trump in the Rearview Mirror because a lot of them are afraid. I think more of them want to do it in their heart of hearts. They just wont say it. Theyre just afraid to because they dont want to be primaried. So, again, they get tarred with the same thing because they just cant do it because they want theyre playing to their constituents, who they have over the course of these years allowed everything that this president wanted to do, good, bad, or indifferent, terrible, allowed that to happen, and then helped him sow the big lie of an election steal and a fraudulent election by not calling him out when he was in the process of saying, joe biden was they stole it, the democrats, when they know it wasnt true. Thats not the democrats fault. Thats not the medias fault. Thats the Republican Partys fault. So there are some who would like to see this in the Rearview Mirror. Theyre trying, but theyre still afraid, but theyre trying. We sawe tonight, trying Common Ground on covid relief, and boy do we need that. But like i said, this is a race against time. More than 443,000 americans have died in this pandemic. Millions and millions have lost their jobs. They dont know how theyre going to pay the rent or the mortgage or put food on the table or medical bills. They dont know any of that stuff. When the kids are going to be able to go back to school, when theres going to be normalcy, when theyre going to be able to see their loved ones in other places. And they need help. They need help now. The president has been very clear joe biden, the president. Covid relief is his top priority. So is this the moment to be just as ruthless as some republicans have been . Leader Mitch Mcconnell back in 2017 famously said winners make policy, losers go home. Given that, why shouldnt democrats why shouldnt President Biden be as tactically ruthless as republicans have been in pushing priorities that he champions . Well, i think the president has been clear that he is encouraged by the pace and the rapid pace, i should say, that Speaker Pelosi and senator schumer are moving this package forward at. At the same time, as you know, there is time, because this process can take a bit, to make changes as needed. Hmm. Well, seems like republicans are waiting to see if President Biden blinks or if he passes covid relief without gop support. So if he blinks, thats a win because then he doesnt get his agenda across, right . But then if he passes it without them, then theyre going to spin it as a win as well and say, where is the unity and the bipartisanship . Its all such a big game. But smart americans see you. America sees you. Im going to talk to a Top White House adviser about what i just spoke about next and other things. Lets see if we can get an answer. So my question is, what does unity really mean, and does it have to necessarily look like this . Thats next. We have demonstrated in the last year that we can come together on a bipartisan package dealing with the covid crisis. In fact, weve done that not just once or twice. Weve done it five times. And i am hopeful that we can once again pass a sixth bipartisan covid relief package. It is love, love, love that makes it all worthwhile and it is love, love, love that cant help but make you smile. It is love, love, love that lights the sun and stars above. Oh, i want you to know you are loved. Send the love. Order now at edible. Com these folks, they dont have time to go to the post office they have businesses to grow customers to care for lives to get home to they use stamps. Com print discounted postage for any letter any package any time right from your computer all the services of the Post Office Plus ups only cheaper get our special tv offer a 4week trial plus postage and a digital scale go to stamps. Com tv and never go to the post office again. Smooth driving pays off you never been in better hands allstate click or call for a quote today President Biden meeting in the oval Office Tonight with republican senators who have come up with their own covid19 relief package. The meeting was scheduled for one hour, but it lasted twice as longn price tag, like 1. 9 trillion versus 618 billion, that far apart. So lets discuss now. Symone sanders is here. Shes a Senior Adviser and Chief Spokesperson for Vice President kamala harris, who took part in the meeting. Symone, its good to see you. Don, how are you . Its good to see you as well. Happy black history month. You took the words out of my mouth. Happy black history month. And i appreciated the president s statement today. Its good to see you. Lets talk about this. We have 89 of americans say it is extremely important to pass a major covid19 relief bill. 86 say the same about expanding vaccinations, testing, ppe. Thats according to political Harvard School of Public Health poll. Does President Biden want to do something thats more popular or something that gets maybe one or two republican senators whose support is more whose support is more important to him . Well, don, frankly President Biden is focused on getting relief that americans so urgently need. You know, todays meeting was a good substantive and productive meeting with republican senators for the president and Vice President. And while there were some broad areas of agreement in that meeting, like the need for relief for Small Businesses, and thats a provision that both sides will continue to work on at the staff level, the president and Vice President specifically reiterated that he will settle for nothing less than what is needed to urgently meet the need for the American People. Look, don, since the last bipartisan deal in december, more than 100,000 more americans have died. People are standing in food lines. Millions are out of work. The urgent here is need. So frankly right now the question isnt really, you know, what is too big . The answer and the question really is, can we afford to do too little . And the answer is we absolutely cannot. I understand that. So the president is committed to ensuring that we get the package that the people need, don. He is with the people, and americans want a bipartisan i understand that because everyone is wondering what because this president has been very clear when he was a candidate. He wants to work with the other side. He wants to bring the country together. My question is, though the essence of my question, symone, is what does that unity look like because the majority of the American People, they want the covid package. They want all of the things that i mentioned. And im just wondering if there is too much focus on trying to win over a few republican senators or republicans rather than just giving the American People what they want. The vast majority of the American People. Well, don, i would actually disagree with you on that point. I dont think that the meeting today was anything of the sort as you described. This is how democracy works. The president and Vice President both served in the United States senate. The president served for more than 36 years. The Vice President just left a term in the United States senate. They understand the importance of working with our allies on the hill. But your question, the essence of the question really is this. Is the president prepared and the Vice President prepared to get a bold plan passed for the American People, and the answer is yes. Today he reiterated and reasserted that, you know, he didnt design this package with a number in mind. He designed it with the need that the American People need in mind. More than 71 of americans want republicans in congress to work with the president , and we believe that we can come to some agreement. Look, again, Small Business relief was a broad area of agreement today. Some targeted checks were also a broad area of agreement although the president reiterated and reasserted that the republicans proposal was far too narrow. So we think that we can get this done in a bipartisan fashion. The president wants to get it done in a bipartisan fashion. I want to talk out joe manchin. Joe manchin, the democratic senator, wasnt happy about Vice President harris speaking to West Virginia media. It looked like a move to apply pressure on manchin. Was that a mistake . Well, don, im going to point you to what White House Press secretary jen psaki said today. You know, i absolutely agree with her. Look, we believe, like Senator Manchin has said, that the white house and congress have to Work Together with our allies to pass this package, this relief that the American People so urgently need. Again, were talking about vaccination in arms, money to reopen schools and keep schools open and operating, ppe, testing, on down the line. So, you know, were speaking. The administration, our legislative Affairs Teams absolutely have been in close contact with Senator Manchin and his team and other allies on the hill. And thats going to continue, don, because this is going to take bold, urgent action to pass this package. Its an all hands on deck activity, and were grateful to have Senator Manchin in the fight with us. One more question. So the white house has since spoken to manchin. Who reached out . Was it the president or the Vice President . Well, don, just like i wouldnt negotiate the package here on cnn, im not going to get into private conversations that may or may not have been had. But i can reassure you this, that the president and Vice President and the entire administration are absolutely focused on doing everything necessary and possible to, one, communicate the plan that the president has put forward on the American Rescue plan to the American People, but also garner support and build consensus. This is how democracy works, don, and folks saw it working today very well at the white house with the meeting with republican senators and youre going to see more throughout this week. The president and Vice President are committed to getting this done. Symone, just as in the last administration, there were a number of colleagues who went to the white house, and we congratulated them. So, again, i congratulate you and good luck. Im very proud of you. Thank you so much. Its good to see you. Thank you, don. Great to see you. Talk soon. Thank you. Extremists in the Republican Party growing bolder, and it is boiling over tonight. i want to break free vo ready to break free . Its time to get away to a place where we can finally be free. ive got to break free plan your future getaway with norwegian. Sail safe. Feel free. Mike shopped for the lowest Mortgage Rate and chose amerisave. A choice hell never regret. Unlike using perm plus, a shampoo which attracts cats. Lots and lots of cats. Visit amerisave. Com now. Lower Mortgage Rates mean higher savings. Senator Mitch Mcconnell condemning gop congresswoman Marjorie Taylor greene tonight without actually mentioning her name, talking about her loony lies and calling her a cancer for the Republican Party and our country. So lets discuss now. Cnn political commentator Scott Jennings and ana navarro both here. Good evening. Good to see both of you. Doing okay . Hey, don. Scott, youre first. Why is Mitch Mcconnell speaking out about this now . Well, i mean its obvious this thing is taking on a life of its own. Its obvious that some in the Republican Party want to go die on this hill. And i think hes sending up an urgent warning that we cant be a National Governing party, we cant be a majority party, we cant even be competitive if were going to be the party of, you know, jewish space lasers and that 9 11 didnt happen and all the Conspiracy Theories that he mentioned that Marjorie Taylor greene has expressed interest in. So i think mcconnell is trying to warn republicans we cannot go down this road if we want to be competitive in the future. I mean, the reality is, don, if she didnt have a laptop and a video camera, shed have a Sandwich Board on a street corner. What she is saying is not even within the realm of what you and i and ana would consider normal political rhetoric. Were not talking about Trade Agreements here. Were talking about living in a completely different crazy, scary reality. I hope folks heed Mitch Mcconnells warning because i think hes right. Ana, i asked scott why now because the gop stood behind trumpism and all of trumps rhetoric for four years. Its led us to this point. I dont think the genie can be put back in the bottle. Maybe you see it differently. Look, i think Mitch Mcconnell is disgusted. He made a statement after, you know, january 6th which was very strong. His wife, elaine chao, quit the trump administration. She didnt have to. She could have done like most of them and waited it out. And i think the reason Mitch Mcconnell is speaking is because he lost his Leadership Position, his majority Leadership Position in no small part due to Donald Trumps craziness and interference in georgia. Hes losing very good senators, people like rob portman, thoughtful senators, because of the looniness thats going on in the Republican Party. And the reason Mitch Mcconnell is speaking is because of the huge vacuum in the leadership of the house because Kevin Mccarthy has behaved like a seal who is waiting for his trainer to throw him a fish. But ana, Mitch Mcconnell didnt Mitch Mcconnell may have been much worse. At least Kevin Mccarthy, i mean he is a trumper through and through. He makes no bones about it. Mitch mcconnell will say one thing, and then hes an obstructionist the next with the way he votes and then what he says. So i mean hes saying it now. He may be disgusted. But shouldnt he have been disgusted for the last four years, and especially after the november election when he went along with this whole the election was stolen farce . Oh, look, he got what he wanted, right . Hes got a conservative supreme court, and hes got a conservative lower courts. Hes very transactional. But, you know, at this point frankly if Mitch Mcconnell wants to make a strong statement and wants to get rid of the cancer in the Republican Party, not only should he speak up against Marjorie Taylor greene, who is loony, not only should he speak up in favor of liz cheney for exerting the right of voting her conscience, but he should also encourage people to vote on the merits of the impeachment article, not to try to look the other way, trying to use process as a shield so as not to have to vote on the merit. There is a lot that Mitch Mcconnell can do to show his leadership and to show that he is willing to fight for ideology, to fight for values and principles, and he needs to, particularly after the last four years hes put in. And, scott, she mentioned the minority leader. Has he lost his clout with his conference and with the Republican Base . I mean he didnt want senators to go along with the objections to the certification, but they did it anyway. He signaled that he might be okay with impeaching trump, only to later vote the trial would be unconstitutional when there was no support for that. So how much are people going to listen to him on this issue . I dont know. I hope as many as possible. Ive heard him joke before that being a leader in the senates like being the caretaker at a graveyard. Everybodys under you, but nobodys listening. I mean these people have a mind of their own. A lot of them have personal ambitions, don, as weve discussed on the air, like josh hawley and ted cruz, that are driving their actions instead of whats good for the party, good for the senate, or good for the country. I dont think hes going to have any control over that. Im glad he made the statement he did tonight, not just about greene but also about representative cheney. If what comes out of this entire january 6th ordeal is that liz cheney is the only person who winds up punished, it would be an absolute travesty. Im glad hes speaking out. I dont know how much clout hes going to have with this person or that person, but what he is saying is 100 , absolutely the truth. And anybody that wants to listen to it can see it plainly written on a piece of paper tonight, and i hope they do. Thank you both. I appreciate it. Next, the woman who spent months poring over conspiracies believing every word and thinking she was saving the country. Then she realized she was being manipulated. A former Qanon Believer tells me what its like to believe and how she got out. Thats next. These folks, they dont have time to go to the post office they have businesses to grow customers to care for lives to get home to they use stamps. Com print discounted postage for any letter any package any time right from your computer all the services of the Post Office Plus ups only cheaper get our special tv offer a 4week trial plus postage and a digital scale go to stamps. Com tv and never go to the post office again. It is love, love, love that makes it all worthwhile and it is love, love, love that cant help but make you smile. It is love, love, love that lights the sun and stars above. Oh, i want you to know you are loved. Send the love. Order now at edible. Com okay, everyone. I really want you to watch this. You want to watch it. Trust me. Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor greene backing away from some Conspiracy Theories, admitting the Parkland School shooting was not fake. These are not redflag incidences. They are not fake. And its terrible, the loss that these families go through and their friends as well. And it should never happen. Maybe she meant false flag. She said red flag, but she called it a false flag before. Greene had been a proponent of qanon, the Qanon Conspiracy that peddles the baseless idea that there are secret members of a supposed satanic Pedophilia Ring at the top levels of government and hollywood. Now a former Qanon Follower is speaking out after her experience with the online cult. She wants americans to know what happened to her and how she found her way out. Her name is lenka, and we are using just her first name to protect her identity. And she joins me now. Lenka, thank you so much for joining us. I really appreciate it. Thank you for having me. Listen, i think what youre doing is brave to come out and talk about this. Not many people will admit to Something Like this. I want to start with how you became immersed in qanon. Because you actually im told supported Bernie Sanders in 2016, after he lost the primary you became a disillusioned democrat and you started reading a lot about Conspiracy Theories. What drew you in . How did you get here . Well, you know, ive looked back the last three years since ive been out of it, and ive really done a lot of reflection to try to figure out how i ended up at that point. And theres a lot of missing pieces that people arent aware of that bring this all together. But for me, it started out with being disillusioned with the Democratic Party, and it usually starts with some truth. And for us, it was the Democratic Party rigging it against Bernie Sanders. So we had a lot of angry people. We were angry at the Democratic Party, and we found ourselves connected on social media, asking the question, if the Democratic Party was capable of rigging an election, what else could they possibly be capable of . So we were doing a lot of our own research, and something happened along the way. I guess some outside conspiracy forces sort of came into our newsfeeds and dropped information. We dont really know who they are, but it was as if we were being baited. It was it was information that seemed believable. It wasnt that substantial of a jump to believe that information. And at some point q comes along, which is an even bigger give me an example of the information youre talking about. Well, so for instance, you know, we would follow the money, and we would undercover, you know, various types of corruption. And then somebody would come in and drop information about, for instance, ties to Child Sex Trafficking. Thats a big one. And how politicians are being blackmailed with it who are involved with it. And it started to kind of get a little bit out there. But at the same time, theres truth to Child Sex Trafficking, and theres truth to pedophilia. You know, thats a very sensitive subject for a lot of people. You know, a lot of us are parents. So, you know, it brought up concerns until, at least for me, it got to the point where it just it was very obvious to me it was getting it couldnt possibly be true. It was becoming preposterous, too preposterous to be real . Yeah. But its hard for people to get to that point. It is hard tore people to say, man, ive been believing something thats completely crazy and most of them dont get to the point that you got to. So what made you realize that it was false . Well, for me there were a number of things. I mean, you know, when qanon came into the picture it became obvious to me that they were really targeting the Democratic Party and accusing them of, you know, many things that i already knew that the Republican Party was involved with as well. So that was a big question. Why are they just targeting the Democratic Party . And then when they painted donald trump as some kind of savior, to come in and fix corruption and address the Child Sex Trafficking issue, well, i was watching him do the same thing that i opposed on the democratic side. I was watching him appoint corporatists into his administration. I was watching you know, i was watching him speak. I was looking at his history with the different controversies he was involved with, and it just absolutely did not add up for me. So i was fortunate enough to exit, but in the meanwhile i can understand how people kind of get lost in it because, you know, the other thing people arent talking about is the Addiction Quality of social media. Thats why can you hold that thought . I want to talk to you about that. It seems theres a common denominator and it may be social media where you were getting your information, and i want to ask you about something you told the New York Times. You said, trump just used us and our fear. Were going to take a break, and if you will stand by we will come back and finish our conversation. Okay . Sure. Well be right back. For some of us, our daily journey is a short one when you drive less, you pay less with pay per mile insurance from allstate youve never been in better hands allstate click or call for a quote today you. Look. Stunning. Want the truth to why i wake up feeling rawrrr. So darn awesome . I take care of my skin. Not this skin. That skin. And when youve got incontinence, you sure need to. Tena intimates pads lock liquid in, and are now 100 breathable to care for your intimate skin. Are you still here . Text tena5 to 52236 for your free sample. Kind to skin. Protects like tena. Its time for sleep numbers january sale on the new sleep number 360 smart bed what if i sleep hot . For y. Or cold . Mple. No problem, with temperature balancing you can sleep better together. Can it help keep me asleep . 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Lenka is a former Qanon Follower who doesnt follow, she just doesnt follow qanon. You told the New York Times that trump used us as and fear, thats a quote from you. Now, people caught up in the insurrection at the capitol are saying they were coaxed and used by the president , and using it as a Legal Defense. Do you think that is fair for them to use as a Legal Defense to blame the former president . I think that i think theres a lot of people who are culpable including donald trump in my personal opinion. I think that donald trump was clever enough to know that this whole conspiracy world was agitating people and really triggering their senses, and that in his own way he could manipulate them as well. Yeah. So i want to ask you about because the whole you know, the election was rigged thing, that was the whole impetus for, you know, the insurrection on capitol hill. You have made the same claim about the democrats, but what the democrats did between Hilary Clinton and Bernie Sanders was the way the democratic process works. It wasnt stolen from Bernie Sanders. Thats how it works. How did you view that how did you become disillusioned by that . Well, even though it wasnt illegal on paper to rig an election and, you know, work with the media to sort of sway Public Opinion towards one candidate over another, it still upset us. It really angered us. I mean this was our Democratic Party and we were democrats being treated this way, and it wasnt acknowledged and it wasnt rectified. As a matter of fact, we ultimately ended up getting blamed for Hilary Clinton losing. So, you know, right there were an angry group of people who are just seeking justice, and i guess you could say, like anybody with a passion and a little bit of anger, you can become a target to these conspiracies. Theyre very insidious. You can look at people who are normally antivaxxers who are very, you know, cautious of pharmaceutical companies, and once they start following the bread crumbs of social media, all of a sudden theyre believing in these conspiracies that bill gates is putting, you know, some kind of trackers in the vaccines. These are very civil people, intelligent people succumbing to this. It seems that there are people who may be more prone to believe conspiracies, because i hear your argument on the left about Bernie Sanders. Again, it is the mirror of the argument that led to the insurrection on capitol hill. So could it be perhaps tha

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