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are that okay? >> only republicans are quoted on the record in the piece, but does not really surprised you that democrats? wouldn't be eager to have their names behind criticisms of the president. no, of course not like this. this is all baked in already. i like i don't think this is going to shift any voters. i think most people know that joe biden doesn't have the fastball that he had four or 510 years ago. >> well, then why is the white house pushing back so hard as to suggest that that is not the case. >> i'm not sure. i mean, i think the reality is we have known joe biden for a long time. is he performing the way he was performing five or ten years ago? no. but you don't get paid for performance to be president, you don't do the job is not a job of endurance. it's a job of judgment and he has shown consistently very, very good judgment. or re-industrialize the country. were reshoring jobs. wages are going up. we have a long way to go, but he's got a lot to campaign. >> and i take i take the point