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great point 0.1 quick question. >> it's all seems to be connected to russia being banned from the olympics. >> if russia hadn't been banned from the olympics, do you think this would not be happening? >> i think that circumstances might be a little bit different, but i think this is also an opportunity to strike a blow it at french prestige, right did the host nation is highly tied to highly tied to the, the games and front near the geopolitical situation is really never been worse i discussed i talked about some earlier attacks. those actually happened before the war in ukraine, right? so the situation is as far different now. and there might make them even more likely to carry out an attack. >> yeah. >> john whole chris, it's great to see you. thanks so much for coming in. i had for us, there's a new threat also to shut down the government all in the name of protecting donald trump, the republican lawmaker make are pushing for this. we've got more on that the