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Thematic global team if you were looking for big tech to come to the rescue today, youre going to have to look somewhere else that is your picture right now with the nasdaq getting hit the hardest, down more than 300 points, 2 3 4 look, this is not what we wanted people like me have been talking about the broadening of the rally. You were getting that but this week youve had the down side, which we didnt want to see of tech giving up gains its been the whole week, right. Microsoft had a bad reaction to earnings having said all that, i dont think at all that youre supposed to throw in the towel on these big tech nailmes. I think their value iations arer the most part defendable and theyre trading on lack of fiscal stimulus and the virus surging as it is on the earnings number if you want to take apple, theres a reason why they underperformed on iphone sales people are saving you for the iphone 12. And amazon, they have a quarter every now and then where they say were going to spend a lot more than you expect, but its an investment in the business. Its not a time to sell these tech stocks. I know weve also talked about some of the high flying software names. Thats a different story these are the bellweather names and theyre attractively priced. Dont throw in the towel, thats different from preparing for more losses. Do these stocks need to come in a lot more from where they are im talking about the big four well, its a great question, scott. I would say the following these are the growth engines of the economy right now. Theyre stocks that can survive and prosper during covid and it looks from the virus and lack of stimulus, the fact that the reopening play is getting pushed back further that in order to find pockets of strength in the economy and in the market, we may be back to the Growth Stocks and the digital platforms. So if theyre down 15 from the peak, 20 from the peak, i think that its a reasonable place to think about a reentry. Apple was up to a 34 multiple at the beginning of september when they split now its at 29 actually, today its less than that when you get these stocks selling for roughly market multiples to slight premiums, i think you begin to see why theyre attractive and i believe that the market is probably going to come back to that wheres the bottom in tech . Is it close . There was a suggestion earlier this week that microsoft wasnt going to find its bottom until tech bottomed. Now youve got all of these other names except for google today selling off and selling off hard, names that ran up into their prints quite substantially, am zoazon up 67 year to date those numbers are coming after the big slides were witnessing. Those numbers were well better yesterday going into the numbers. I go back to what jim said earlier, in that you can explain that the pullback i think a lot of this is happening because people are taking some chips off the table. I like these Companies Still the Business Case has not changed from last week these companies are the starwoods of technology and theyre there for a reason so i dont think that this is a time to exit any of these names and were Still Holding all of these names in our portfolio the Business Case is the reason why these stocks got to where they were, right we totally get it. Theres a reason why the stocks ran up as much as they did you can ask a question as to whether they ran up too much, whether the Business Case was really justifying some of the move we had in these stocks. Apple missed their iphone revenues by a billion dollars. A billion dollars. And thats not an offering by them, of course. That was collectively our estimate because they dont give guidance on that, scott, which is one of the issues with apple when be they stopped doing that. However, when you see 40 of an install base over a billion of these devices and you see 40 of them have devices that are three years or older, that super cycle that many have called it is still out there and waiting for the iphone 12 and 12 pro as tim cook said, though, in the call they have had trouble meeting the demand for those preorders for those phones, as well as max and all this other stuff. So i think you work through this and i think you look at the numbers where apple is now, scott, and where it will be when they start fulfilling the demand that we know is out there and the china issue of course as you said top of the show, i think its not them turning away from u. S. Corporations over in china. It was the same thing that was just cited, it was people waiting to put that money into the newer products rather than buying a product that is over a year old or older. I think thats just a normal course of business if youre waiting for an entry point to add more or get in to any of these names, is it too soon i think that you could start to buy google. I mean, i think its up but it way underperform the other names. I think with apple, which is the name we sold a third of at the beginning of september, maybe 5 below this level, which would be 10 from where it opened the day or closed yesterday. Its in a bear market pardon me real quick apple is in a bear market. 20 below its record high. Correct exactly. So i think 20 to 25 below from those levels if you dont have a position, you can start to add one if youve got a half position remember, these are big weights in the s p certainly huge weights in the nasdaq i dont have a problem with adding and theyre all in the 20s multiples. Oh, amazon is much, much higher of course. Amazon is a different case but facebook, google, apple, i think that theyre not unreasonable 5 below where they are right now forshire every day that we move into this Current Quarter is going to be better for apple im sure theyre going to sell many more iphones. It was a disappointment to the Investment Community but im sure theyre going to make that up stores will be open to a greater , particularly in china this quarter could you have an overreaction on apple, the largest of them by far. Kate, ive heard everybodys opinion. Im wondering what you think this means for the overall market tech was such a strong leg if you pull that out, the structure is still strong but it gets weaker. Yeah. I mean, look, i think there are a couple major things at play. Jim mentioned a few of these things at the onset, that we have these other macro forces, concerns around the uptick in virus cases and perhaps rolling shutdowns once again disappointment that we havent got i dont know any sort of fiscal stimulus ahead of the election and now in a lame duck section is looking increasingly unlikely combined with the fact that, you know, theres a lot of question around sustainability of some of their earnings of these high flyers i think the bigger question here, scott, is how positioned was the broader Investment Community in these names ahead of reporting the overall earnings season, despite strong fundamentals has been a little disappointing frankly in terms of Price Performance but these macro factors have subsumed the good fundamentals and i think in the case of these big tech nails, continuing to growing revenues through a very different economic period, were just seeing people take some chips off the table. I dont think theres going to be a mass of repricing i heard what kerrey sa keri said perhaps you should be chipping away i saw a comment about it earlier on twitter a Hedge Fund Manager texted me earlier in the week, john, about whats also potentially bad for these big tech names is the prospect of a higher Capital Gains tax under a President Biden and that that may be forcing some people to take some profits in the highest of high flyers to get ahead of that. You put any credence into that i do, scott, but we all assign probabilities to both the president ial and the senate races. Now, the senate races are where youd have to concentrate as far as whether or not those races, if you believe in the blue wave there, then i think yes, you would see those higher tax rates and so forth corporate as well as individual. But this is a known. Jpmorgan and Goldman Sacks among others said that i think one of the issues here when you look at europe and the second or the rebound from the first wave or whatever wave it is, scott, going on in europe right now, germany is done 10. 7 in a month our markets as of an hour ago anyway were down s p measured 1 over that same period of time. So i think that this is covid related, not a change in what people think or what they thought President Biden and or the senate would do, again, assigning those probabilities. I think its about the reaction to covid overseas and that being to shut those economies down again, france and germany, and then whether or not you see a President Biden more likely to that over here, i think thats why youre seeing the reaction in the markets today let me ask everybody and show everybody, a show of hands kate moore, you dont have to vote here because you dont talk about individual names, youre off the hook who thinks today is a good entry point for apple today, where we are right now . Scott, can i take that . Go ahead, jim shocking, right the reason is because you caught me by surprise a minute ago. You said apples in a bear market and i thought to myself why isnt that making me freak out and the answer is very simple. Its because apples, much like the rest of the stocks is up 48 year to date and were only back to where we were three months ago. Kate was saying something a second ago about people maybe just taking chips off the table. That could be all this is. This one heck of a run and im only talking about 2020. The lowes of the bun ee ee ee es google i think the reason there isnt this freak out going on is were just back to where we were three months ago unless you think like serat does who said it on the show the other day that these stocks need to come down even more because of the way they ran down six box up again who thinks today is a good entry point for amazon kate, youre excused again wow, nobody. Nobody, john thinks that so how much more does the stock need it come down . Im very surprised to see that i was fully expecting the majority of the hand s to go up i was talking to patty, one of the producers of course to this great show, and i was saying to myself im cursing myself for missing google. I didnt miss amazon but i missed google and alphabet 150 points ago but im not going to chase it as far as amazon, im happy with the position but im overwriting aggressively with calls in that one right now because i think in all likelihood jeff bezos is likely to be a spender and continue to spend for at least a quarter, if not longer, to basically build out that company even bigger. And that is why i wouldnt add to it on that little bit of a dip that its seeing interesting six box up facebook who is buying that today would you recommend somebody watching the show buy it today tell me why. Facebook is selling in the 20s multiple today youre starting to see the reengagement of advertisers into the marketplace. Thats their major form of revenue, which disappeared for the first three months of the pandemic it was one of the reasons why alphabet was sufficient a poor performer relative to some of the others facebook reported that the numbers were starting to come back on the ad side. You know, i think we believe that were going to see that continuation through the Christmas Season a lot of selling on the marketplace. And as you get into the, you know, youre going to go through the quarter, amazon will see it, too, but amazon is selling for 75 times next years earnings and facebook is selling for 26 next years earnings i think relative attractiveness of where its come from right now makes facebook a more interesting play today the cavalry is out big timin today. You got price target raises on facebook im looking at least ten of them its hard to look at them on the fly. 350 for me looks like the high for facebook for alphabet, you probably have 15 target bumps. Is alphabet back who would recommend to our viewers buy alphabet today i would deegus looks like he would, too. You tell me why. Once again, going back to the whole ad play as a relation to alphabet, think this is a good entry point. We look at things relative to alphabet and we look at operating cash flow yield. We still see alphabet being very well at this level, its between nine and ten relative to the operating cash flow yield. What we really see in alphabet is that Second Quarter was probably a little bit lower and missed expectations. As we get into this Third Quarter announcement, it actually exceeded. It was significantly over the earnings expectation, over on revenue. So this is a good entry point because this just continues the story about alphabet lets bring another voice into our conversation for more on the selloff were seeing today in big tech and elsewhere. Ed yardeni joins us on the phone. What do you make on the exit in the market . To tell you the truth, i welcomed it. The market hit an alltime high on depth 2nd i was roots for the market to go sideways for a while so the market had time to catch up and i think thats whats happening here the correction could end by november 3rd after we know who the president is were also going to know who has a majority in the house and the senate i think some of this started out as an overvaluation correction in the Technology Sector thats probably continued through today, but a lot of it was also election jitters then of course the virus wave has picked up here and, scott, you know, wall streets been saying and ive been sort of saying the same thing that the market is going to go up no matter who wins, but maybe the markets starting to think that if biden wins and he raises taxes, all right, hell increase spending so it shouldnt be bad for the market but the real issue now for the market is how will either a trump or biden respond to a pick up in this virus pandemic depending on what the experts say . Maybe the Biggest Issue for the market is not the election, its not that, not taxes, not spending, its tech. If big tech needs to come down more, isnt the market the problem . Some like David Einhorn suggest tech is in an enormous boubl and september 2nd was the top and its already popped and were witnessing the way theyre trading and apple is in a bear market and some think it has further to go to the down side what do you think . With the benefit of hindsight they were expensive and now theyre less expensive but i think were still looking at zero Interest Rates for the foreseeable future no matter what happens in washington on november 3rd, j Jerome Powell will still be fed chair and Interest Rates will be near zero. I think the fed will come in and peg the bond yield so i think its going to be pretty hard for anybody to really be out of the market for very long or least not jump at opportunities. I view this more as an opportunity than a reason to panic. I dont agree this is a Bubble Technology has a great future over the rest of the decade. Kate moore, thats interesting what ed said, to look past everything and dont forget what got you here dont leave your dance partner, kate moore, on the sidelines its the fed the musics not stopping any time soon to borrow that saying from i think it was chuck prince but that was a curse. Exactly im more than happy to dance with the fed on this one and i really agree with what ed just said in terms of, you know, allowing the liquidity and rates back drop and taking risk in equities i wanted to jump into the conversation im not able to talk about individual names but i wanted to talk about whats happening in the rest of the text sector. The big faang earnings had an impact on the overall market but youre still seeing a selloff in other high flying tech things, around cloud and cyber and ig and ai i think this is about fraud base derisking and not so much about people being very fearful about the overall sector look, im a buyer at this point and especially if the market softens a little further i this i these highconviction, long did youration trades are offering interesting entry points ahead of the election i would continue to average in and i agree with ed we are going to be upper up just a matter of how much we are up, ed i guess 3,800 by the middle of the next year and 3,500 by the end of this year thats my point estimates. Jim, do you want to get in . Then carey no, im in lien with what were talking about here this is a point in time we knew coming up to next week that things were going to get rocky and we always felt or at least i believed if you look out three, six months, youre going to have progress on a vaccine. Two months from now youre likely to sit a president that is duly elected and whatever volatility there is around that next week will have been worked out. Were likely to get fiscal stimulus in some form before the end of the year. I think whats been going on is naked politics if you start to believe these positive can occur, you dont want to throw in the towel now and start running for the hills. Its absolutely the worst thing to do. Kerry, the other interesting thing is people like peter bookbar is talking about any highlights it seems like now valuations do matter where it seemed like they didnt matter for a big period, other than am zwlon which is 100, no big deal because we pulled everything forward, tech is where its at, the virus is age, we know why the stocks are you. Seas you got your come uppingsin o valuation question well, i think peter is great but i would say that over the course of this pandemic, hes not been a big owner of the tech nails that have moved the market and if you think about where we are today, even with this decline in the nasdaq, were 4 off the peak prior to covid. So were 9 below the peak on september 2nd and were 4 below the peak before covid. So the market dropped 34 and it came back because a big swatch of the economy was able to produce revenues and earnings despite the virus and the shutdown and that is going to continue for longer than people had expected i dont think its an excuse i dont think you just brush off the fact that these businesses and its not just amazon, apple, zoom and peloton. Its nails like sherr went williams, twilio, s p global they just produced better numbers than expected for the last quarter these companies are continuing to produce were going to continue to see the market move in their direction. Theyre not selling for 70 times earnings, theyre selling for 20 plus earnings. Well, twilio is obviously. But i think theres a distinction between Business Models that we have seen that can survive and do fantastically well in any environment and those that are just priced up 300 times earnings and because theyre good remote, working, living types of businesses i think theres an argument on both sides but i can still find plenty of stocks to own. Kate moore. I agree with carrie on a lot of this. People would like to get back to this traditional valuation but valuations dont mean revert thats just the truth. Over shorter time periods and your starting valuation has very little power in terms of your future returns most of us dont hold for seven to ten years its a few years at best and sometimes its even shorter i just want to underscore when people talk about the equity market being expensive, theyre failing to consider that most of us have a full sweet are and other assets are more expensive than exwits so on the cross section, equities look food were preeces risk differently were all using alternative data and thirdparty vendors to validate a business model. Against that back drop i think we can have more confidence in future earnings. We should allow the market t rerate, especially those in a tougher Economic Cycle thank you so much for calling in i know were going to be talking to you a lot in the days ahead dom chu looking it the leaders and the laggards here. Were going to put some numbers and charts behind this if you take a look at the s p 500, we are down by about 3 so not exactly a great month overall for stocks have you seen that more precipitous move in just the last week or so here if you take a look if he sectors outperforming overall, you look at the thematic elements of play for utilities. Meanwhile, Communication Services has outperformed, and material stocks down by about 1 s are still an outperformer against the s p down at least 3 as 4, the laggards, we talk about the covid trade, Energy Crisis meanwhile technology stobs, big tech taking that huge hammering down about 5 and health care down is financials but the people who have better performed witness financials, those are the banks, both up between 12 and 14 at this stage, a nice move higher just in the month of october. It may play out a little bit more if scott, gang, we start to see the yield difference continue to start to steepen out. Watch the financial stocks they could be due for a bit of a move higher. Thats because rates were moving higher in the month now with the virus and other things going on, you just dont know dom, thank you very much thats dom chu for us. Up next, we have trades on twitter and starbucks. A lot more plus our Investment Committees latest buys and sells. You can always watch and listen to us on the cnbc app. Ckft ts. Welcome back, everybody. Im sue herera Kennedy Family cousin Michael Skakel will not face a second trial in the 1975 murder of teenager martha moxley. Connecticuts chief state attorney said the case could not be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. In turkey, rescues teams are pulling survivors from the wreckage of several buildings that collapsed in todays earthquake in greece, two teenagers are the first reported deaths centered in the mediterranean between turkey and greece. In at this timely, officials confirming more than 31,000 covid infections today, a new alltime high and more than 15 above yesterdays record level and a bit of good news. From peru, this premature baby has survived covid19. The baby spent the first four weeks of his life under roundtheclock care here is now four and a half months old and hes just getting to leave the hospital. A little bit of good news to leave you on scott, ill send it back to yyou. We appreciate you, sue. Have a good weekend. You, too. Several earnings reports are out today. Lets start with twitter john najarian, the stock is getting destroyed today. Daily active users were a miss the stock had a good run into the number get that its up even with the decline its up a lot. What do you do with this now well, i think, scott, if youre looking for, again, a blue wave and or a President Biden, trump has brought so many people into this universe of twitter that if hes gone and i dont think hell ever really be gone, scott, but if he was not no matter what not going to put the phone down, doc. Come on hes probably not putting the phone down but if youre not president , then youre just somebody out there, you know, just tilting at wind mills i dont think they have a shot at getting back to these numbers ever if he indeed is out of office really . You think its that binary thats interesting absolutely. I mean, i think he has done so much for jack dorsey, even though they hate each other, i think hes done so much for that company, scott, by that being must watch on that vehicle to pass a round of his information that he wants to share with us if hes not there anymore, i dont know what twitter does kim kardashian, kanye, none of them can compare to what this guy brings to twitter. Ill take the other side. I dont think the tweets are going away regardless of what happens. I think hell tweet, i just dont think it will be as big a driver i dont think, you know, i dont think youre going to give up the habit, as they say. Starbucks, stock wasnt doing all that much. When i saw it earlier, it was down slightly. Doc, you own it. So do you, jim talk to me, jim. I think this is a great longterm hold im not worried about what the Third Quarter is as long as the trajectory continues to improve. China comps were down 3 they have 99 of their storms open there china is handling the virus very well and its economy is Getting Better every day youre going to get a vaccine at some point in tilme you look out three, six, nine months, starbucks will have a heck a lot of its storesopen that are now closed in the u. S things continue to improve there. Talk to me about underarmor or it was, scott. The stock traded all the way up to 15. 15 or something i didnt realize it had turned negative. Then it broke down hard when we talked about it for unusual activity, we said people were betting on the down side and the number came out and i said oh my gosh, heres another one thats not going to work out. Now with the stock breaking down from 15 and breaking yesterdays holding number, i dont know where it goes from here, scott, how much lower this one will sink but you were right early on it was a big winner and then that vanished like that it sure did its because i havent looked at it in a couple of hours. I just assumed it was still up thank you for bringing that to us speaking of bringing something to us, johns got unusual activity its straight ahead. As we go to break, take a look at the s p heat sector today we dont have that for you were back in two minutes. United states cant easily get to a doctor or afford the treatment they need. Thats why goodrx has built a leading consumerfocused Digital Healthcare platform. We wanted to make shopping for healthcare as easy as it is to shop for travel or electronics. As a public company, we hope to provide even more services that help people get the healthcare they need at a price they can afford. Find a stock basedtech. 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Ill probably be in these calls two to three weeks because of that up side potential that these guys have shown. Second one, team this one weve seen big up side call buying also in november at 197. 50 strike with the stock falling after earn beings down to 191 people started loading back up im looking for a lot of up side out of this one. Ill be in these also, about two weeks. Interesting activity in two stocks getting hit pretty well today. Thank you. Up next, our Investment Committee members making moves in this seofllf. Ill tell you about those next on your interests d or whats trending. Get realtime insights in your customized view of the market. Its smarter Trading Technology for smarter trading decisions. Fidelity. Find a stock basedtech. On your interests or whats trending. Get realtime insights in your customized view of the market. Its smarter Trading Technology for smarter trading decisions. Fidelity. Its time you make the rules. So join the 2 Million People who have switched to xfinity mobile. You can choose from the latest phones or bring your own device and choose the amount of data thats right for you to save even more. And youll get 5g at no extra cost. All on the most reliable network. So choose a data option thats right for you. Get 5g included and save up to 400 dollars a year on the network rated 1 in customer satisfaction. Its your wireless. Your rules. Only with xfinity mobile. I told you the Investment Committee was making moves we start with you, keri. Phillips,filphillips 66, youree it has been a really horrible sector and its been a horrible stock. We sold at about 10 than we sold now thats no excuse its been drifting down for ages we have no energy. It was our smallest holding, our Largest Energy stock but the only one we owned. We replaced it more or less with vnt, its an industrial its a spin out from danaher and it has a big position in emerging technologies for electric cars and fueling stations people are driving a lot the stock sells for 12 times earnings and we think with the Free Cash Flow and the low multiple that this will definitely be a good stock over the next 12 to 18 months jim, ill go to you to get a comment. Are you still in marathon . I am still in marathon. What kerry said about the industry is unfortunately correct. Marathon has a special situation. The only reason im in it is theyre selling the speedway gas station line for 21 billion cash and their market cap is 19 billion. So i put those two together. Im going to stick with Marathon Petroleum but what kerry said about the industry is spot on. Ill stay with you, speaking of, youre completely out of inl te intel now. Yes, starting last friday i dont think any need to relit dp relitigate that. One, their end markets are going really well, automotive and internet things. I think the fundamentals in those two markets certainly justify it its also about a 36, 37 billion Market Cap Company in an industry rapidly consolidating i think this could be a takeover bait in the next year as well. Okay, you sold fiserv the reason for selling fiserv, it very competitive in that core banking. And also we started looking at the debt load and we werent really satisfied with the debt load theyre care erying debt to tot capit capit capital. 39 and theyre doing a lot of acquisitions. We purchased westrock. Were looking at ongerterm plays. Think about it, weve been doing a lot of delivery, food delivery and pick up. If you think about that box, that container, thats a recyclable container westrock is a Global Leader in producing those packaging. So at a 10 billion market capitalization, jim mentioned something earlier, could this be a teakeover turn email us at askhalftime cnbc. Com were back in just two minutes when i was in high school, this was the theater i came to quite often. The support weve had over the last few months has been amazing. I have a soft spot for local places. Its not just a work environment. Everyone here is family. Gonna go ahead and support him, get my hair cut, leave a big tip. If we focus on our local communities, we can find a way to get through this together. Thank you. If you are ready to open your heart and your home, check us out. Get out and about and support our local community. We thought for sure that we were done. And this town said not today. Gold moving higher today as another selloff sweep stock market lets bring in scott and brian for a look at where they think it will gogentlemen, it good gentlemen, its good to see you. Scott nations, you first. Its down about 3 . I get a lot of questions, why is it down at all and below 1900 given all the uncertainty of an election in a few days if you look at the fundamentals, dollar is up about 9 since that october 12 high in gold and the tenyear yield is up 6 basis points or about 9 since october 12th so while gold is down 3 from that high, its actually a really muted response. Why is that . Its because there is lots of hedging from gold longs. Theyre hedging the election remember, scott, the 50point rally we had on election day four years ago yeah. Brian, what do you think . Well, i think its some of the technical calls when you look at that as the dollar has strengthened and Interest Rates picked up a little bit gold broke down the 1900 level and we broke the sideways level it was holding i think the price objective short term is probably about 1820 today were getting a rally back up to that trend line, maybe retest 1900. I think momentum is to the down side thats the short term. Longer term im still allocating to gold some my models as an overlay. I would rather own bonds in terms of gold instead of u. S. Dollar, and i think longer term trends well need to print our way out of this unless something turns around very quickly in the stock market here, so as a hedge to things i like gold longer term short term it looks like the trend is to the down side 1820 guys, good stuff well ta tyolko u soon ask halftime is coming up next at calvert, we know responsible investing is hard. If youre concerned about the environment and climate change, how do you find companies that are driving the right outcomes . If you care about economic equality and social justice, which firms are addressing it in their workplaces and their communities . For nearly 40 years, calvert has delivered competitive returns by investing in Companies Making a difference because we see value in doing good. Talk to your Financial Advisor about investing responsibly with calvert. I got it all from you im always pushing through i know well make it to the finish line i know youre waiting on the other side im like you ondemand glucose monitoring. Because theyre always on. Another lifechanging technology from abbott. So you dont wait for life. You live it. Lets do it and answer your questions. First one is a video question for farmer jim hi. Its dr. John perlman from beverly hills, california. I would like the experts opinion on the future for viacom cbs stock. Any chance that the library will been more profitable or that the streaming service will raise the stock price . Thank you so much for your opinion. I appreciate it. Have a good day. Thanks for the question hey, weve got a question from dr. John. Ill take that any day look, viacom is one of my Core Holdings and the reason is because of what the question asked. Its about the streaming business its very much underappreciated. Last quarter the numbers were much better than expect. They will report numbers i believe its thursday of next week in particular look at pluto tv that thing is growing like a wildfire, and thats where they will get growth in the rest of their streaming services so keep an eye on streaming businesses im a believer. Dr. J, dillan, st. Louis, missouri i want to sell covered calls on fcf, freeport mcmoran. Should i wait for position or buy 100 shares, what do you think . I think you buy it now. Luckily, scott, i got this one in july and then i got out of it at 15, and its since gone higher its a story much like that google trade i talked about. I just didnt get back in. Infrastructure is going to be big next year no matter which way the election goes. I would buy this, and i think a covered right is a great way to play it long term. Carrie, to you, robert in minneapolis. Is it still the way to play the antip. O. In u. S. Markets . So, rob, the way we play it is by owning ali baba. Baba owns 33 at financial it will be one of the biggest ipos ever in history, and we think thats more direct way than playing it through the chinese etf. Good stuff. Thank you. Last to you, shane, pennsylvania which stock do you like better, exxon or chevron so, lets go with exxon, a little bit better on the valuation and profitability. Thats a hard pick right now. Everybody, thanks for the lontis. Wel take a quick back and do final trades when we come back what do you look for when you trade . I want free access to research. Yep, td ameritrades got that. Free access to every platform. Mhm, yeah, that too. I dont want any trade minimums. Yeah, i totally agree, they dont have any of those. I want to know what im paying upfront. Yes, absolutely. Do you just say yes to everything . Hm. Well i say no to kale. Mm. Yeah, they say if you blanch it its better, but that seems like a lot of work. Now offering zero commissions on online trades. We charge you less so you have more to invest. 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Lets give you a time check on the markets its a tough day as you can see for stocks got to be the worst day for the s p in just a matter of months its a matter of whether its march or june depending on how the last few hours shake how the nasdaq obviously is the big story today, down 2. 5 on the heels of the big four and the earnings there at google really the only one getting any sort of traction the day after that stock is having a nice sessi session, up 4 and others with all a 5 slide something to keep an eye on as we head into a pivotal week next week with the election looming all right. Lets do final trade carrie, you start us off first thank you i have booze allen, bah, they reported earnings up today they were up 28 , organic growth 11 . They are a defense contractor, government contractor. They do health care. They do all sorts of planning and administration that can work in a remote environment which just seems to have helped their business cash flow is fantastic we think that this is the stock that will gain traction regardless of the outcome of the election. Bucking the trend today having a nice day at that. Thanks for that, carrie. Diggis. Idx lab yesterday they beat earnings 19 and beat revenue 8 and we also like it because it does health care, pet Care Health Care for very innovative and we really like it at these levels. Good stuff. Good to see you as well. Dr. J scott, i like apollo here the stock has sold off by over 20 from the october high. That seems like a lot, and they still do a lot of great work with sovereign wealth and endowments, and i think this is one to buy here at 36 and change. Got a name for me, quick . Caterpillar tractor. Big shock thanks, everybody. The exchange is now with jon fortt. Welcome to the exchange. Stocks are in the red following a very wild week investors getting more anxious about growing covid19 cases worldwide and the approaching election of the right now the dow is down just over 325 points lets call it. More than 1 the s p down 1. 5 and the nasdaq down a little over it. 5 which takes us to late july levels on the dow, late september on the s p and nasdaq for the week its not a pretty picture. The major averages all down more

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