Transcripts For CNBC Mad Money 20171020 :

Transcripts For CNBC Mad Money 20171020

get some good numbers from the companies. general electric the former industrial powerhouse, reported a terrible number and the stock cascaded down at first after candied talk with the new ceo it rallied s&p climing 1.5% nasdaq, equal 1.3%, records. why does this matter because i feel emboldened when we get a report like we did from general electric and the other side come out unscaved some of them is because of the the benign back drop from washington when the senator agreed to move forward on tax reform still though, lots of companies with cash overseas that can be repatriated here as a low tax rate as part of this reform, some others take off with that in mind, let's go to our game plan for next week. on monday, we hear from iconic, the engineer portion of the old alcoa. this is a very important time for the stock because the company doesn't have a ceo it's time something happened, give us a darn ceo here. chemberly clark reports to do, an analyst put a sell on this stock this morning, saying that the business of kimberly, which we all know, colllean next whatr has gotten tough today proctor & gamble delivered a stock with no growth the fight with nelson pelts is over, i bet he'd win at a land slide. tuesday we'll test the industrial when we get updates aided by the hurricane clean up, that's a common theme here in florida and texas. as well as the weaker dollar you you'll have to keep in mind the moves in these stocks, ahead of earnings have been pretty mind blowing so don't freak out if the stock can't get more lift that goes for caterpillar. but please be aware, if these stocks come in ahead of the quarter, that will most likely prove to be a buying opportunity. not like yesterday, much pillowing session. speaking of red hot, the stock of mcdonald's has been hotter than itself coffee i'm conscious that a retailer has been low, about eight points lowing from here no one does -- chipotle, reports the same day this time after the close. i don't think its bottomed after that last freak of unfortunately electricity. boeing, this thing's been a beast. the company may tell a better story about defense spending you're going to have to wait until it comes down because oerds you've missed it although the new ceo was hoping to make acquisitions i think he needs to make a big one. speaking of troubled sectors it's hard to find out out there than retail. at one point walgreensive the best of the best but now we hear how amazon, which reports the next day is going to mow them down visa, travel trust did great but interest rates went high the hottest group in the financial world isn't the banks it's the payment processing business visa, mastercard and paypal. which just zoomed higher today after reporting a perfect number with revenue acceleration. paypal's a visionary prospective i think the stock has a long way ahead of it. what about nike? nike holds an analyst day, wednesday and many people are ready to pounce with good news does it have any this industry saved skechers, and it has about stepped on. i don't sigh anything that could change that, it could bottom but that's not worth the stuff of making money thursday morning, numbers from bris stol meyers the stock's a market darling i don't have a thesis for onion but i do know it's back on top with the popular favorite. the business coming in right now is raytheon. thursday evening is one of the most exciting moments in our business, at least for me. alphabet, amazon, microsoft, they all report. i believe alphabet had a strong quarter with good montization of youtube. amazon competes for cloud services business with microsoft as your division we'll see if data center is still growing at a blitzering take intel will tell a story -- remember it closed in a -- friday is our day for judging the big oils after the slowly disappointeding action of stock slummer gee, from what i thought was a decent quarter, i would not get your hopes up for exxon or chevron. merck's stock been -- by merck can't hold a candle to add visit and i believe it had more room to run finally we'll hear from colgate and there's a lot of -- the last couple of quarters of colgate were punishky and i think it's possible this one deserves the surprise of the group. i bet something good happens yet, big menu, big plays, truly rapid fire week so heres the bottom line. the bias is to buy not sell but only if you can get the high quality stocks unchanged to lower. chasing after these big runs no effects. wait for -- then do some buying. let's go to -- >> caller: my stock for you is november chur, what do you think. >> i believe in the technology i'm on board with the stock of no zero cure >> kim in california >> caller: i was curious about barnes and noble ls and it's surviving the amazon phenomenal. it has a red flag of dividend. >> i think that's right, i think it's a red flag. i don't believe you should be in that stock i do like the stock of amazon. will in florida. >> caller: [inaudible]. >> go ahead will. >> caller: mr. cramer how are you doing this afternoon sir >> not bad >> caller: the stock is pack car. >> why would you go that and notco cono commons. buckle up, next week is the busiest of earning season, i sent my wife overseas so i can have fun the buyiest is to buy not sell on "mad money" tonight, can you catch more flies with honey? well, i'll tell you if it's time to kick some stocks to the pot and of course ge, stock tumbled after reported earnings then it rebounded later in the day. is it a sign the new ceo can write the ship i'll good enough you my personal take stick with cramer. 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more on companies that are doing everything right why? because businesses controls their own destinying especially when they take a political approach to problem solving. even businesses as sick as general electric sfiet the way it closed to do it's a sick business consider honey wealth, hon honeywell stock is well over 20% to trade, i think that comes down to the fact the company's management is that you feoughtfd rigorous they know how to establish spart processes, then let them play out. in the summer of last year, honeywell's ceo, david cutie, a man who ran the business for 50 years decided to retire. he's a remarkable manager who was passed over for the ge ceo job and left the fix the shambles that was honeywell back in 2002. honeywell became one of the best industrial engines at all time who knew how it could soar had they picked him for ceo, and not the other guy. now the president picked an operations guy but as much as i trusted his judgment these managers in transition can be tricky the one picked in march turned out to be more tricky than ever. after he was sworn in, a notorious actist, dan lowe of third point, a manager manager who had much success on taking on companies, and he spank them to his will. lowell wanted honeywell to spin off, a big ask different it's division kointed for 40% of its sells. when these activist come in it's a chance these thing can get out of hand quickly. that distracts management, kind of sets them back. instead of fighting lowe honeywell decided it could -- after his ideas. and as a part of the major review of the business, really kind of said tell us what you think we can do. honeywell announced its breaking itself up. management was told even no there'd be no spin off, there'd be other divisions like business and home and technologies, it was a huge stiff the company also preannounced a strong quarter that same day perhaps investors don't know what to make of this new direction or the stock moved up in anticipation over the break up -- personally i think a lack of investor enthusiasm can be a better opportunity for you first of all, dan lowe got involved in april, the reall story goes back further than that it's a story of a company that does thing in a careful and considerable way over time that's what pays off in industrial companies. when you look at -- since cody stepped down let's address how he got the ceo job in the first place cody started looking for success ten years ago. gradually gave more and more responsibility over time to them in the end after a year's long process the board chose adan check. he is whip smart and really knows the company, cody had been grooming him for years by the time am check took over he was sold more than ready. normally activist like to go after companies with under performing stocks by honeywell reported a stellar quarter still the company could unlock $20 billion worth of value for share holdsers by following hi aerospace. dan, held the thing -- best way forward part of a review rather than getting worked up without considering all the angels these guys considered taking a liberal approach. constructive is the word i'm looking for. instead of getting contention -- sadly, this whole process ended up being i'd say groggive. it got the job down. that's a surprise sinlowell use- more recently though it's taken a more quieter thoughtful approach so quiet in fact, for months seemed like nothing would happen then on tuesday, honeywell came out and said maybe we'll consider off space, instead they were doing two spin off. the first contain honeywell's business technology safety as well as the ai contribution center rather than fighting they worked with them constructively and came up with a better plan the new home company will be a player in heating, ventilation, air control, that's called h-vac by the way as well as being global distributor, security and final protection policy. all this makes sense if it's under the same roof. the transportation company gets honeywell's -- much better gas mileage. as for the run of honeywell itself, the remaining honeywell portfolio will consist of high-growth businesses in six industrial markets each line including energy efficiency, infrastructure, investment and it's not like the company's doing badly, the same day they reveal the break up they come out -- honeywell's keeping divisions with -- getting wall street to give the treat it does deserve, unlocking it. money management has trouble unlocking conglomerates, they do steve, the jp morgan industrialist was the first one to get -- i immediately -- if this were 145 stock, it would trade up to 205. may be optimistic but makes me want to be a buyer when a company choses to be patient and logical about everything, especially succession, that hard work will pay off. dave cody spent years evaluating and training up. once dan took over he turned around and applied that framework to the whole business. what can i say, being thoughtful pays off and this stock has a lot more room to run there's much more "mad money" ahead including my take on the stocks that can be teaed up and ready to play. then it's an uphill battle for ge's ceo i'm going to give you may take and i don't like it. i've got to go back and do home work i'll tell you to buy or sell mystery stocks stick with cramer. ♪ it's not just a car, it's your daily treat. ♪ go ahead, spoil yourself. the es and es hybrid. experience amazing. i'm a big believer in accountability which means every now and then we need to go over our old calls to see what worked like that and what didn't. little more than 13 months ago we ran over a segment on the golf industry. i thought we were seeing some great shoots and there might be a few smart ways to make money with i recommended callaway golf companies, maker of golf clubs and bags as the only real pure play on the sport if you can call it a sport. it's been a good call with the stock up 20% dick's sporting good maybe a good stock to play -- which i thought a saw a comment but didn't think it was this bad tonight i want to circumstanced back to the idea of golf making a come back. when i recommended the golf play it showed golf round play was up 2% add of july 2016. the end of the rest of the year wasn't good. with rounds increasing by just point 6% that was major immovement with major declines declined to august where we then got a 8.6 up tick. it's not falling apart, which is what many feared a while ago in july we learned club corp which owns and operates hundreds of golf and country clubs. 30% premium, that was good # # # # -- i got behind callaway because it was the only pure play in the stock market plus in addition to making all thing golf related callaway owns something called top golf, that's an interactive driving range golf company management claimed of $24 and change right after i recommended the stock fell single digits, then the price point came rolling back since then it's been on fire, that's why i always tell you, you got to buy your favorite into weakness. what is driving callaway's recent perform really it comes down to the numbers. starting inway, callaway reported two blow-out beat and raise stocks in over two years the company's been gaining market share especially with their new brand of high-end drivers. callaway is the number one player in woods and iron and the number two players in golf balls, which is a huge mark up i think this is an example of why it's better to be lucky than good, both nike and adi dahs battle it's easy to win when nike decide to forfeit the game if those estimates turn out to be too well overturn the stock will turn out to be a bargain. i think you're pushing your luck if you want to get in there and think you can blow away a quarter with an estimate, i don't want to put in that game if -- catch up with the story, they've raised the numbers so it may not be as electric plus the third and fourth quarterings tend to be lean. callaway has some big product launches that can bolster the numbers. if callaway was a nice winner, as long as you were patient, you know, take a pause here, if you looked at the dick sporting goods and pulled the trigger it was a hideous loser. i thought it might be -- to play the strength in golf thanks to golf galaxy but i was mistaken like many people, not that this makes it better or somehow misery loves company, i assume those bankruptcy would clear the way for these guys, take command of a consolidating industry, seems so logical to me in reality, these numbers per -- more business, dicks has been obliterating down here, i can't be encouraged what about another pure play public that's become public since we talked golf a curb net is the company buying two of the moss per perfect brands in the space. it used to be a brand until it broke itself you have less than a year ago the stock's reversed heading back to 18 and change today. there's been some optimum which is why the stock got hit with downgrades over the summer i'd say let's wait and see if the curb net can -- but i got one i really like. if you're looking for a low-risk way to play the golf business, why not by some epr properties the real estate investment trust we've had on the show many times. they own the land, including golf driving ranges. in fact, it is the favorite of mine in this the bottom line, did i blow when i tried to call or turn in the golf business late last year golf's doing better than many would have thought not that long ago. i did make a mistake, i should have stuck with just callaway and left awful dick's sporting goods out of it. i got it wrong i'd wait for toyota come down before i pull the trigger. if you want to sleep at night golf stock, pick up some epr let's go to zack in south carolina >> caller: jim booyah what's going on >> not much what's happening with you >> caller: it's friday so great time? i got two kick questions number one has armor shares bottomed out or should i expect a low price in the future. and will stephan curry new shoe be better than his old man shoe he had a year ago? >> i don't know. he's one of my heroes i like him. under offer-mile-an-hour, i think it's bottomed doesn't mean it can't go higher i think it's kind of sitting there. the competition is really tough. nike has a meeting on wednesday. let's wait and hear what they say before we get any new involvement in this space. the golf business has been doing better tan many people thought it would have, i think ca callaway with pull ab off to be but i'd wait until it's cheaper. there's much more "mad money" ahead is your confidence in ge -- i'll tell you why that might be the long sentiment homework is key even for me. i'm circling back with the stocks i needed to do more homework on and i'm bringing them-to- and all your calls and rapid fire on this edition of "lightening round. stick with cramer. zar: one of our investors was in his late 50s right in the heart of the financial crisis, and saw his portfolio drop by double digits. it really scared him out of the markets. his advisor ran the numbers and showed that he wouldn't be able to retire until he was 68. the client realized, "i need to get back into the markets- i need to get back on track with my plan." the financial advisor was able to work with this client. he's now on track to retire when he's 65. having someone coach you through it is really the value of a financial advisor. john flannery, new ceo of general electric can fix this very broken company. he can fix it because he's willing to admit that jge was very poorly run from the get go. his approach i think he has nated with the company's shareholders and brought bottom fisher into the flock, perhaps too soon but it did that flannery didn't see the need to throw the previous ceo under the bus, his words made it clear the company made many mistakes and those mistakes will be put behind them, swiftly there are still many people i think people didn't ask today. first, is ge's power division, which is so disappointing even capable of being fixed i even question the way they account for the sale of turbans but that will change flannery's going to run this company by the books for cash and cash flow, not the way i'd describe as about ge way, which is totally opaque and news yatding. second, flannery knows the company has long-term care obligations left over from a previous insurance business. these were ignored today these were not insignificant numbers, they're in the billions, they could impact the cash, it's one of the reasons i expect an imminent cut in the dividend flannery indicated that other businesses are healthy i question the health of ge's gas business now known as baker hughes if a much higher quality is being hammered so badly today on a decent quarter, i think there's a lot to worry about i don't understand why local motivates need to stay in the mix. i like healthcare and aerospace. this is not a man who overpromised he was critical about how bad thing were, how badly managed the company was and how shareholders deserve better. he's listening to them, that's smart, it shows humility, an n honorable trait. the company sold a large finance building at the low, bought oil and gas and infrastructure at the highs, that can't be easily undone, when it comes to booking business, ge did not account for many of its actions in ways i consider to be straightforward gap accounting these fixes will take time, you can't break up the company by the way, because its doesn't have the cash flow to be broken up at this point some of the parts may be worth less than the hole. that's how badly some of these businesses are performing. why believe he can turn things around because flannery's told you he agrees with the critics, he knows there's little accountability in ge he recognized the place was one like a country club, again shocking he put ed gordan on the board of directors and will go after the layers upon layers upon layers of fat and expense this company became well-known for. he kept saying he'd be rigorous with the implications, he used anything by rigorous before he took over. did he call what happened here a disgrace as i did this morning, no, but maybe didn't need to he made it clear ge's been a hideous underperformer those who aren't with him and belong to the previous regime, they'll be gone soon enough. i want to put the previous year behind me too. the business that flannery ran, healthcare, it's the best part of ge now, he turned that division around personally if you can't handle a dividend cut because you need the income, please take action now and not later when the stock's still up. as for my travel trust, we're sticking by the stock. why? because planry's approaching the problem correctly, constructively, taking what i call brute action. that's right, dig in deep. he's also doing it while being humble, knowing he must do better than his predecessors who sadly destroyed so much shareholder value. no wonder the stock rose after the interview, flannery killed it i doubt the analyst meeting next month will be an easier one for newer shareholders roles particularly those who fear dividends cut. i think flannery will pull it off. my travel trust is sticking with the stock. and further earnings divisions down, the trust will buy more. i wish mr. flannery luck, he'll need it. but his candor and rigger tell me he's the right man to turn around this once great american company. 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it's time for the lightning round. start with mike in california. criminal hey jim, a california booyah to you. >> right back at you what's up? >> caller: i'm calling today about inbridge inc >> the one i'm recommending in my travel trust is pa jell len partners it went down this week even thou it raised distribution emp way to go. jerry. >> caller: thank for taking my call the question is about caterpillar. >> let the stock come in before you buy you'll probably get a good price erin in. >> caller: booyah jim. wondering about aaoi >> that thing is too much of a roller coaster how about ryan and connecticut >> caller: thank you for taking my call. >> of course >> caller: cocoa ka cola >> they reported next week, i don't know how high they can really go. david. >> caller: my stock is macy's. >> it's got a yield i think it can be supported, i wouldn't mind buying some let's go to kevin in new jersey. >> caller: jim thanks for taking the call >> of course >> caller: the announcement of taylor swift teeming up with drew mobile drive the stock up last week. >> we zdon't want to play that game i tell club members, act vision members got the best katy in texas. >> caller: i got a question about bio tech fine general out of california. they've been on a steady rise since 2015 they got a drug approved in china. is now a good time to take some profits? >> i don't know the answer to that question i've got to do work on it let's go to alex in california. >> caller: go eagles >> go chris long go to my twitter page and look up chris long and what he's doing. he's a great player. what's up? kr. >> caller: what are your thoughts on dizzy sni? >> i think disney's a good long-term hold it's got to be long-term in the strum interim you may have to d some suffering james in texas >> caller: live technology -- >> a lot of people think it's too expensive. i'd buy align technology on friday, if next friday this time the stock will be higher than lower. this is that technology that allow people to have better looking stooet in an era of instagram it's a winner. tim in new york. >> caller: philadelphia eagles booyah >> that team is infectious what's up? >> caller: hey, so tnce. they received a positive decision from patent challenge, they have 100 other patents and i want to know -- >> patents are really really hard for to be able to do lot of work i like insight i know they're involved with. i have to do more work on that allen in texas >> caller: thank you for taking my call today. >> of course >> hello my picker today is es v. that's easy. let's by slummer jay that ladies and gentlemen is the conclusion of the "lightening round. well, it's earnings season once again. >>yeah. lot of tech companies are reporting today. and, how's it looking? >>i don't know. there's so many opinions out there, it's hard to make sense of it all. well, victor, do you have something for him? >>check this out. td ameritrade aggregates thousands of earnings estimates into a single data point. that way you can keep your eyes on the big picture. >>huh. feel better? >>much better. yeah, me too. wow, you really did a number on this thing. >>sorry about that. that's alright. i got a box of 'em. thousands of opinions. one estimate. the earnings tool from td ameritrade. whenever i get a question i can't answer, i cascade myself for being a dope after that it's part of my commitment to making this the most interact show on television i do the research and try to give you my opinion. with that in mind let's do home work back on october 4th, michael in tennessee asked me about come tech telecommunications, i told him i needed to do more digging before i could give an informed answer come tech make advancing equipment, they serve at&t, verizon, cisco come text struggled with slow nevada growth but in 2015 they shoved out $30 million to inquire telecommunication systems. also getting them into new markets like public safety and security they had terrific track record since the transaction sales have searched, riding 34% in 2016 another 34% in fiscal 2017 year. right now come tech has 50% market share in u.s. wireless 9-11 cold route. this business is to expand through 2020 come tech also makes a lot of ground satellite equipment used for wireless back hall connecting as well as inflight internet access on airplanes. they got a lot of inland, gear and good things going, so what's the issue. couple concerns, first of all it's red hot, this stock's up more than 80% year to date not exactly cheap, selling it for 30 times next year's estimates. management's been discussing big opportunities for a long time but still waiting for them to come through my view, i suggest sitting on the sidelines until the stock gives you a meaningful pull back finally on october 6, george in florida asked me about lumentum holdings i said i need to catch up on it before i can give answers because it trays wildly. it makes optimal net works components the company has a smescommercial laser business the key element for all these fiberoptic plays are the role known as 100 g as the internet traffic continues to explode the carriers need better infrastructure verizon's already rolling out across the country, china's made huge investments the point of this story is the rise of the clouds to invest heavily in their broadband instructions it only works if you have a greater location that's why roughly ten months ago i represented the whole optimal work including lue men tum. the stock has went up 10%, but recently it's pulled down. when lumentum reported in august they missed the quarter for 2-month in a roe then lumentum got slammed begin to applied optimal electronics setting weak sales to one of its data companies where do it come down on there one, even though i believe there's some powerful sector lumentum may not be the better player if i want to -- your capital equipment stock i'd rather go with a pure plan stick with cramer. olatile marke" something we all think about as we head into retirement. it's why brighthouse financial is committed to help protect what you've earned and ensure it lasts. introducing shield annuities, a line of products that allow you to take advantage of growth opportunities. while maintaining a level of protection in down markets. so you can head into retirement with confidence. talk with your advisor about shield annuities from brighthouse financial established by metlife. ♪i'm living that yacht life, life, life top speed fifty knots life on the caribbean seas it's a champagne and models potpourri on my yacht made of cuban mahogany, gany, gany, gany♪ ♪watch this don't get mad (bell mnemonic) get e*trade and get invested i'm vern, the orange money retirement rabbit, from voya. i'm the money you save for retirement. who's he? 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New York , United States , New Jersey , Texas , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Florida , China , California , America , Xarelto , Dave Cody , Dan Lowe , Cramer Zar , Jayson Sandberg , Melissa Lee , John Flannery ,

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Transcripts For CNBC Mad Money 20171020 :

Transcripts For CNBC Mad Money 20171020

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get some good numbers from the companies. general electric the former industrial powerhouse, reported a terrible number and the stock cascaded down at first after candied talk with the new ceo it rallied s&p climing 1.5% nasdaq, equal 1.3%, records. why does this matter because i feel emboldened when we get a report like we did from general electric and the other side come out unscaved some of them is because of the the benign back drop from washington when the senator agreed to move forward on tax reform still though, lots of companies with cash overseas that can be repatriated here as a low tax rate as part of this reform, some others take off with that in mind, let's go to our game plan for next week. on monday, we hear from iconic, the engineer portion of the old alcoa. this is a very important time for the stock because the company doesn't have a ceo it's time something happened, give us a darn ceo here. chemberly clark reports to do, an analyst put a sell on this stock this morning, saying that the business of kimberly, which we all know, colllean next whatr has gotten tough today proctor & gamble delivered a stock with no growth the fight with nelson pelts is over, i bet he'd win at a land slide. tuesday we'll test the industrial when we get updates aided by the hurricane clean up, that's a common theme here in florida and texas. as well as the weaker dollar you you'll have to keep in mind the moves in these stocks, ahead of earnings have been pretty mind blowing so don't freak out if the stock can't get more lift that goes for caterpillar. but please be aware, if these stocks come in ahead of the quarter, that will most likely prove to be a buying opportunity. not like yesterday, much pillowing session. speaking of red hot, the stock of mcdonald's has been hotter than itself coffee i'm conscious that a retailer has been low, about eight points lowing from here no one does -- chipotle, reports the same day this time after the close. i don't think its bottomed after that last freak of unfortunately electricity. boeing, this thing's been a beast. the company may tell a better story about defense spending you're going to have to wait until it comes down because oerds you've missed it although the new ceo was hoping to make acquisitions i think he needs to make a big one. speaking of troubled sectors it's hard to find out out there than retail. at one point walgreensive the best of the best but now we hear how amazon, which reports the next day is going to mow them down visa, travel trust did great but interest rates went high the hottest group in the financial world isn't the banks it's the payment processing business visa, mastercard and paypal. which just zoomed higher today after reporting a perfect number with revenue acceleration. paypal's a visionary prospective i think the stock has a long way ahead of it. what about nike? nike holds an analyst day, wednesday and many people are ready to pounce with good news does it have any this industry saved skechers, and it has about stepped on. i don't sigh anything that could change that, it could bottom but that's not worth the stuff of making money thursday morning, numbers from bris stol meyers the stock's a market darling i don't have a thesis for onion but i do know it's back on top with the popular favorite. the business coming in right now is raytheon. thursday evening is one of the most exciting moments in our business, at least for me. alphabet, amazon, microsoft, they all report. i believe alphabet had a strong quarter with good montization of youtube. amazon competes for cloud services business with microsoft as your division we'll see if data center is still growing at a blitzering take intel will tell a story -- remember it closed in a -- friday is our day for judging the big oils after the slowly disappointeding action of stock slummer gee, from what i thought was a decent quarter, i would not get your hopes up for exxon or chevron. merck's stock been -- by merck can't hold a candle to add visit and i believe it had more room to run finally we'll hear from colgate and there's a lot of -- the last couple of quarters of colgate were punishky and i think it's possible this one deserves the surprise of the group. i bet something good happens yet, big menu, big plays, truly rapid fire week so heres the bottom line. the bias is to buy not sell but only if you can get the high quality stocks unchanged to lower. chasing after these big runs no effects. wait for -- then do some buying. let's go to -- >> caller: my stock for you is november chur, what do you think. >> i believe in the technology i'm on board with the stock of no zero cure >> kim in california >> caller: i was curious about barnes and noble ls and it's surviving the amazon phenomenal. it has a red flag of dividend. >> i think that's right, i think it's a red flag. i don't believe you should be in that stock i do like the stock of amazon. will in florida. >> caller: [inaudible]. >> go ahead will. >> caller: mr. cramer how are you doing this afternoon sir >> not bad >> caller: the stock is pack car. >> why would you go that and notco cono commons. buckle up, next week is the busiest of earning season, i sent my wife overseas so i can have fun the buyiest is to buy not sell on "mad money" tonight, can you catch more flies with honey? well, i'll tell you if it's time to kick some stocks to the pot and of course ge, stock tumbled after reported earnings then it rebounded later in the day. is it a sign the new ceo can write the ship i'll good enough you my personal take stick with cramer. 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more on companies that are doing everything right why? because businesses controls their own destinying especially when they take a political approach to problem solving. even businesses as sick as general electric sfiet the way it closed to do it's a sick business consider honey wealth, hon honeywell stock is well over 20% to trade, i think that comes down to the fact the company's management is that you feoughtfd rigorous they know how to establish spart processes, then let them play out. in the summer of last year, honeywell's ceo, david cutie, a man who ran the business for 50 years decided to retire. he's a remarkable manager who was passed over for the ge ceo job and left the fix the shambles that was honeywell back in 2002. honeywell became one of the best industrial engines at all time who knew how it could soar had they picked him for ceo, and not the other guy. now the president picked an operations guy but as much as i trusted his judgment these managers in transition can be tricky the one picked in march turned out to be more tricky than ever. after he was sworn in, a notorious actist, dan lowe of third point, a manager manager who had much success on taking on companies, and he spank them to his will. lowell wanted honeywell to spin off, a big ask different it's division kointed for 40% of its sells. when these activist come in it's a chance these thing can get out of hand quickly. that distracts management, kind of sets them back. instead of fighting lowe honeywell decided it could -- after his ideas. and as a part of the major review of the business, really kind of said tell us what you think we can do. honeywell announced its breaking itself up. management was told even no there'd be no spin off, there'd be other divisions like business and home and technologies, it was a huge stiff the company also preannounced a strong quarter that same day perhaps investors don't know what to make of this new direction or the stock moved up in anticipation over the break up -- personally i think a lack of investor enthusiasm can be a better opportunity for you first of all, dan lowe got involved in april, the reall story goes back further than that it's a story of a company that does thing in a careful and considerable way over time that's what pays off in industrial companies. when you look at -- since cody stepped down let's address how he got the ceo job in the first place cody started looking for success ten years ago. gradually gave more and more responsibility over time to them in the end after a year's long process the board chose adan check. he is whip smart and really knows the company, cody had been grooming him for years by the time am check took over he was sold more than ready. normally activist like to go after companies with under performing stocks by honeywell reported a stellar quarter still the company could unlock $20 billion worth of value for share holdsers by following hi aerospace. dan, held the thing -- best way forward part of a review rather than getting worked up without considering all the angels these guys considered taking a liberal approach. constructive is the word i'm looking for. instead of getting contention -- sadly, this whole process ended up being i'd say groggive. it got the job down. that's a surprise sinlowell use- more recently though it's taken a more quieter thoughtful approach so quiet in fact, for months seemed like nothing would happen then on tuesday, honeywell came out and said maybe we'll consider off space, instead they were doing two spin off. the first contain honeywell's business technology safety as well as the ai contribution center rather than fighting they worked with them constructively and came up with a better plan the new home company will be a player in heating, ventilation, air control, that's called h-vac by the way as well as being global distributor, security and final protection policy. all this makes sense if it's under the same roof. the transportation company gets honeywell's -- much better gas mileage. as for the run of honeywell itself, the remaining honeywell portfolio will consist of high-growth businesses in six industrial markets each line including energy efficiency, infrastructure, investment and it's not like the company's doing badly, the same day they reveal the break up they come out -- honeywell's keeping divisions with -- getting wall street to give the treat it does deserve, unlocking it. money management has trouble unlocking conglomerates, they do steve, the jp morgan industrialist was the first one to get -- i immediately -- if this were 145 stock, it would trade up to 205. may be optimistic but makes me want to be a buyer when a company choses to be patient and logical about everything, especially succession, that hard work will pay off. dave cody spent years evaluating and training up. once dan took over he turned around and applied that framework to the whole business. what can i say, being thoughtful pays off and this stock has a lot more room to run there's much more "mad money" ahead including my take on the stocks that can be teaed up and ready to play. then it's an uphill battle for ge's ceo i'm going to give you may take and i don't like it. i've got to go back and do home work i'll tell you to buy or sell mystery stocks stick with cramer. ♪ it's not just a car, it's your daily treat. ♪ go ahead, spoil yourself. the es and es hybrid. experience amazing. i'm a big believer in accountability which means every now and then we need to go over our old calls to see what worked like that and what didn't. little more than 13 months ago we ran over a segment on the golf industry. i thought we were seeing some great shoots and there might be a few smart ways to make money with i recommended callaway golf companies, maker of golf clubs and bags as the only real pure play on the sport if you can call it a sport. it's been a good call with the stock up 20% dick's sporting good maybe a good stock to play -- which i thought a saw a comment but didn't think it was this bad tonight i want to circumstanced back to the idea of golf making a come back. when i recommended the golf play it showed golf round play was up 2% add of july 2016. the end of the rest of the year wasn't good. with rounds increasing by just point 6% that was major immovement with major declines declined to august where we then got a 8.6 up tick. it's not falling apart, which is what many feared a while ago in july we learned club corp which owns and operates hundreds of golf and country clubs. 30% premium, that was good # # # # -- i got behind callaway because it was the only pure play in the stock market plus in addition to making all thing golf related callaway owns something called top golf, that's an interactive driving range golf company management claimed of $24 and change right after i recommended the stock fell single digits, then the price point came rolling back since then it's been on fire, that's why i always tell you, you got to buy your favorite into weakness. what is driving callaway's recent perform really it comes down to the numbers. starting inway, callaway reported two blow-out beat and raise stocks in over two years the company's been gaining market share especially with their new brand of high-end drivers. callaway is the number one player in woods and iron and the number two players in golf balls, which is a huge mark up i think this is an example of why it's better to be lucky than good, both nike and adi dahs battle it's easy to win when nike decide to forfeit the game if those estimates turn out to be too well overturn the stock will turn out to be a bargain. i think you're pushing your luck if you want to get in there and think you can blow away a quarter with an estimate, i don't want to put in that game if -- catch up with the story, they've raised the numbers so it may not be as electric plus the third and fourth quarterings tend to be lean. callaway has some big product launches that can bolster the numbers. if callaway was a nice winner, as long as you were patient, you know, take a pause here, if you looked at the dick sporting goods and pulled the trigger it was a hideous loser. i thought it might be -- to play the strength in golf thanks to golf galaxy but i was mistaken like many people, not that this makes it better or somehow misery loves company, i assume those bankruptcy would clear the way for these guys, take command of a consolidating industry, seems so logical to me in reality, these numbers per -- more business, dicks has been obliterating down here, i can't be encouraged what about another pure play public that's become public since we talked golf a curb net is the company buying two of the moss per perfect brands in the space. it used to be a brand until it broke itself you have less than a year ago the stock's reversed heading back to 18 and change today. there's been some optimum which is why the stock got hit with downgrades over the summer i'd say let's wait and see if the curb net can -- but i got one i really like. if you're looking for a low-risk way to play the golf business, why not by some epr properties the real estate investment trust we've had on the show many times. they own the land, including golf driving ranges. in fact, it is the favorite of mine in this the bottom line, did i blow when i tried to call or turn in the golf business late last year golf's doing better than many would have thought not that long ago. i did make a mistake, i should have stuck with just callaway and left awful dick's sporting goods out of it. i got it wrong i'd wait for toyota come down before i pull the trigger. if you want to sleep at night golf stock, pick up some epr let's go to zack in south carolina >> caller: jim booyah what's going on >> not much what's happening with you >> caller: it's friday so great time? i got two kick questions number one has armor shares bottomed out or should i expect a low price in the future. and will stephan curry new shoe be better than his old man shoe he had a year ago? >> i don't know. he's one of my heroes i like him. under offer-mile-an-hour, i think it's bottomed doesn't mean it can't go higher i think it's kind of sitting there. the competition is really tough. nike has a meeting on wednesday. let's wait and hear what they say before we get any new involvement in this space. the golf business has been doing better tan many people thought it would have, i think ca callaway with pull ab off to be but i'd wait until it's cheaper. there's much more "mad money" ahead is your confidence in ge -- i'll tell you why that might be the long sentiment homework is key even for me. i'm circling back with the stocks i needed to do more homework on and i'm bringing them-to- and all your calls and rapid fire on this edition of "lightening round. stick with cramer. zar: one of our investors was in his late 50s right in the heart of the financial crisis, and saw his portfolio drop by double digits. it really scared him out of the markets. his advisor ran the numbers and showed that he wouldn't be able to retire until he was 68. the client realized, "i need to get back into the markets- i need to get back on track with my plan." the financial advisor was able to work with this client. he's now on track to retire when he's 65. having someone coach you through it is really the value of a financial advisor. john flannery, new ceo of general electric can fix this very broken company. he can fix it because he's willing to admit that jge was very poorly run from the get go. his approach i think he has nated with the company's shareholders and brought bottom fisher into the flock, perhaps too soon but it did that flannery didn't see the need to throw the previous ceo under the bus, his words made it clear the company made many mistakes and those mistakes will be put behind them, swiftly there are still many people i think people didn't ask today. first, is ge's power division, which is so disappointing even capable of being fixed i even question the way they account for the sale of turbans but that will change flannery's going to run this company by the books for cash and cash flow, not the way i'd describe as about ge way, which is totally opaque and news yatding. second, flannery knows the company has long-term care obligations left over from a previous insurance business. these were ignored today these were not insignificant numbers, they're in the billions, they could impact the cash, it's one of the reasons i expect an imminent cut in the dividend flannery indicated that other businesses are healthy i question the health of ge's gas business now known as baker hughes if a much higher quality is being hammered so badly today on a decent quarter, i think there's a lot to worry about i don't understand why local motivates need to stay in the mix. i like healthcare and aerospace. this is not a man who overpromised he was critical about how bad thing were, how badly managed the company was and how shareholders deserve better. he's listening to them, that's smart, it shows humility, an n honorable trait. the company sold a large finance building at the low, bought oil and gas and infrastructure at the highs, that can't be easily undone, when it comes to booking business, ge did not account for many of its actions in ways i consider to be straightforward gap accounting these fixes will take time, you can't break up the company by the way, because its doesn't have the cash flow to be broken up at this point some of the parts may be worth less than the hole. that's how badly some of these businesses are performing. why believe he can turn things around because flannery's told you he agrees with the critics, he knows there's little accountability in ge he recognized the place was one like a country club, again shocking he put ed gordan on the board of directors and will go after the layers upon layers upon layers of fat and expense this company became well-known for. he kept saying he'd be rigorous with the implications, he used anything by rigorous before he took over. did he call what happened here a disgrace as i did this morning, no, but maybe didn't need to he made it clear ge's been a hideous underperformer those who aren't with him and belong to the previous regime, they'll be gone soon enough. i want to put the previous year behind me too. the business that flannery ran, healthcare, it's the best part of ge now, he turned that division around personally if you can't handle a dividend cut because you need the income, please take action now and not later when the stock's still up. as for my travel trust, we're sticking by the stock. why? because planry's approaching the problem correctly, constructively, taking what i call brute action. that's right, dig in deep. he's also doing it while being humble, knowing he must do better than his predecessors who sadly destroyed so much shareholder value. no wonder the stock rose after the interview, flannery killed it i doubt the analyst meeting next month will be an easier one for newer shareholders roles particularly those who fear dividends cut. i think flannery will pull it off. my travel trust is sticking with the stock. and further earnings divisions down, the trust will buy more. i wish mr. flannery luck, he'll need it. but his candor and rigger tell me he's the right man to turn around this once great american company. 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it's time for the lightning round. start with mike in california. criminal hey jim, a california booyah to you. >> right back at you what's up? >> caller: i'm calling today about inbridge inc >> the one i'm recommending in my travel trust is pa jell len partners it went down this week even thou it raised distribution emp way to go. jerry. >> caller: thank for taking my call the question is about caterpillar. >> let the stock come in before you buy you'll probably get a good price erin in. >> caller: booyah jim. wondering about aaoi >> that thing is too much of a roller coaster how about ryan and connecticut >> caller: thank you for taking my call. >> of course >> caller: cocoa ka cola >> they reported next week, i don't know how high they can really go. david. >> caller: my stock is macy's. >> it's got a yield i think it can be supported, i wouldn't mind buying some let's go to kevin in new jersey. >> caller: jim thanks for taking the call >> of course >> caller: the announcement of taylor swift teeming up with drew mobile drive the stock up last week. >> we zdon't want to play that game i tell club members, act vision members got the best katy in texas. >> caller: i got a question about bio tech fine general out of california. they've been on a steady rise since 2015 they got a drug approved in china. is now a good time to take some profits? >> i don't know the answer to that question i've got to do work on it let's go to alex in california. >> caller: go eagles >> go chris long go to my twitter page and look up chris long and what he's doing. he's a great player. what's up? kr. >> caller: what are your thoughts on dizzy sni? >> i think disney's a good long-term hold it's got to be long-term in the strum interim you may have to d some suffering james in texas >> caller: live technology -- >> a lot of people think it's too expensive. i'd buy align technology on friday, if next friday this time the stock will be higher than lower. this is that technology that allow people to have better looking stooet in an era of instagram it's a winner. tim in new york. >> caller: philadelphia eagles booyah >> that team is infectious what's up? >> caller: hey, so tnce. they received a positive decision from patent challenge, they have 100 other patents and i want to know -- >> patents are really really hard for to be able to do lot of work i like insight i know they're involved with. i have to do more work on that allen in texas >> caller: thank you for taking my call today. >> of course >> hello my picker today is es v. that's easy. let's by slummer jay that ladies and gentlemen is the conclusion of the "lightening round. well, it's earnings season once again. >>yeah. lot of tech companies are reporting today. and, how's it looking? >>i don't know. there's so many opinions out there, it's hard to make sense of it all. well, victor, do you have something for him? >>check this out. td ameritrade aggregates thousands of earnings estimates into a single data point. that way you can keep your eyes on the big picture. >>huh. feel better? >>much better. yeah, me too. wow, you really did a number on this thing. >>sorry about that. that's alright. i got a box of 'em. thousands of opinions. one estimate. the earnings tool from td ameritrade. whenever i get a question i can't answer, i cascade myself for being a dope after that it's part of my commitment to making this the most interact show on television i do the research and try to give you my opinion. with that in mind let's do home work back on october 4th, michael in tennessee asked me about come tech telecommunications, i told him i needed to do more digging before i could give an informed answer come tech make advancing equipment, they serve at&t, verizon, cisco come text struggled with slow nevada growth but in 2015 they shoved out $30 million to inquire telecommunication systems. also getting them into new markets like public safety and security they had terrific track record since the transaction sales have searched, riding 34% in 2016 another 34% in fiscal 2017 year. right now come tech has 50% market share in u.s. wireless 9-11 cold route. this business is to expand through 2020 come tech also makes a lot of ground satellite equipment used for wireless back hall connecting as well as inflight internet access on airplanes. they got a lot of inland, gear and good things going, so what's the issue. couple concerns, first of all it's red hot, this stock's up more than 80% year to date not exactly cheap, selling it for 30 times next year's estimates. management's been discussing big opportunities for a long time but still waiting for them to come through my view, i suggest sitting on the sidelines until the stock gives you a meaningful pull back finally on october 6, george in florida asked me about lumentum holdings i said i need to catch up on it before i can give answers because it trays wildly. it makes optimal net works components the company has a smescommercial laser business the key element for all these fiberoptic plays are the role known as 100 g as the internet traffic continues to explode the carriers need better infrastructure verizon's already rolling out across the country, china's made huge investments the point of this story is the rise of the clouds to invest heavily in their broadband instructions it only works if you have a greater location that's why roughly ten months ago i represented the whole optimal work including lue men tum. the stock has went up 10%, but recently it's pulled down. when lumentum reported in august they missed the quarter for 2-month in a roe then lumentum got slammed begin to applied optimal electronics setting weak sales to one of its data companies where do it come down on there one, even though i believe there's some powerful sector lumentum may not be the better player if i want to -- your capital equipment stock i'd rather go with a pure plan stick with cramer. olatile marke" something we all think about as we head into retirement. it's why brighthouse financial is committed to help protect what you've earned and ensure it lasts. introducing shield annuities, a line of products that allow you to take advantage of growth opportunities. while maintaining a level of protection in down markets. so you can head into retirement with confidence. talk with your advisor about shield annuities from brighthouse financial established by metlife. ♪i'm living that yacht life, life, life top speed fifty knots life on the caribbean seas it's a champagne and models potpourri on my yacht made of cuban mahogany, gany, gany, gany♪ ♪watch this don't get mad (bell mnemonic) get e*trade and get invested i'm vern, the orange money retirement rabbit, from voya. i'm the money you save for retirement. who's he? he's green money, for spending today. makes it easy to tell you apart. that, and i am better looking. i heard that. when it's time to get organized for retirement, it's time to get voya. the amazing new iphone 8 is at at&t... and we know you'll love it. because we know you want more. more great camera features and more power. and more than just unlimited data, we give you unlimited plans with hbo included for life. because you deserve more entertainment. and more spokespeople. talking like this, saying the word more. at&t. it's time for more. am i too close? i feel like i'm too close. get the iphone 8 and with all at&t unlimited plans, get hbo for life. only from at&t. in all the hoopla we forget ibm is still going higher. i'd like to say there's always a bull market somewhere, i promise i'd find it here for you on "mad money. i'm jim cramer i'll see you mono. plain. great. so what are we gonna watch? oh! show me fall tv. only xfinity x1 brings you the best hand selected picks this fall. >> welcome to the shark tank, where entrepreneurs seeking an investment will face these sharks. if they hear a great idea, they'll invest their own money or fight each other for a deal. this is "shark tank." ♪ first into the tank are jayson sandberg and taylor gwiazdon, who believe they've made a common product that everybody has even better. hi, my name is jayson sandberg. and my name is taylor gwiazdon. we are the proud owners of liddup corporation,

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New York , United States , New Jersey , Texas , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Florida , China , California , America , Xarelto , Dave Cody , Dan Lowe , Cramer Zar , Jayson Sandberg , Melissa Lee , John Flannery ,

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