A-B Tech Community College (Day): OPEN AT 10AM A-B Tech Community College (Night): CLOSED All Kids Academy: OPEN AT 10AM Asheville Catholic School: TWO HOUR DELAY - NO BUSES ON ICY ROADS Asheville Christian Academy [WEB]: TWO HOUR DELAY Avery County Schools [WEB]: CLOSED Biltmore Academy: OPEN AT 9AM Building Blocks Child Care Center: OPEN AT 8:30AM Carolina College of Hair Design: OPEN AT 10AM Carolina Day School: TWO HOUR DELAY Child Care Center of First Presbyterian [WEB]: OPEN AT 10AM Children's Center at Gracelyn: OPEN AT 10AM Christ Love Preschool: CLOSED Dellwood Baptist CEC: OPEN AT 8AM Discovery Montessori School [WEB]: OPEN AT 9:30AM