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Cleveland, Texas mass shooting: Death penalty sought for San
Cleveland, Texas mass shooting: Death penalty sought for San
Cleveland, Texas mass shooting: Death penalty sought for San Jacinto Co. suspect Francisco Oropeza, accused of killing 5 neighbors
Prosecutors are seeking the death penalty for Francisco Oropeza, the San Jacinto County man accused of killing five of his neighbors in April.
Related Keywords
Honduras ,
Texas ,
United States ,
San Jacinto ,
Departamento De Comayagua ,
Houston ,
San Jacinto County ,
Diana Velasquez Alvarado ,
Daniel Enrique Lazo Guzm ,
Francisco Oropeza ,
Obdulia Molina Rivera ,
San Jacinto Co ,
San Jacinto County Sheriff Office ,
Associated Press ,
Sonia Argentina Guzm ,
San Jacinto County Sheriff ,
Cleveland Texas Mass Shooting ,
Death Penalty ,
San Jacinto County Shooting ,
Exas Mass Murder Suspect ,
An Jacinto Murder ,