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City agrees to demand for greater financial transparency : c
City agrees to demand for greater financial transparency : c
City agrees to demand for greater financial transparency
Ensemble Montréal wants to keep an eye on the city of Montreal's finances and succeeded in passing a city council motion demanding more transparency and increased reporting at city and
Related Keywords
Saint Lambert ,
Quebec ,
Canada ,
Ottawa ,
Ontario ,
Outremont ,
Vancouver ,
British Columbia ,
Saint Laurent ,
Montreal ,
Canadian ,
Luc Rabouin ,
Alan Desousa ,
Laurent Desbois ,
Aref Salem ,
Municipal Council ,
Ensemble Montr ,
Mayor Laurent Desbois ,
Official Opposition ,
Saint Laurent Mayor Alan ,
Plateau Mont Royal Mayor Luc Rabouin ,
Leader Aref Salem ,
Finance ,
He Economy ,
Politics ,
Evenue Services ,
Rade ,