Chromosome 5p Deletion Syndrome Awareness Week Share Article International 5p- Syndrome logo LAKEWOOD, Calif. (PRWEB) April 30, 2021 May 1-10, 2021: International Chromosome 5p Deletion Syndrome Week May 5: 5p Deletion Syndrome Day. The 5p- Society of North America, along with families and support organizations from over 95 countries, are bringing awareness of 5p Deletion Syndrome also known as 5p Minus (5p-) Syndrome. This genetic condition is caused by a permanent deletion on the “p” arm of the 5th chromosome. The 2021 awareness campaign celebrates these unique individuals by raising awareness around the world through education and community events, such as the “Faces of 5p-“ campaign as well as a Virtual 5K for 5p- event, among others.