one day you will need it to drink water! Old Russian proverb it does not teach anything, but only punishes for ignorance to the lessons.” Klyuchevsky. Galima Galiullina for VT In these December days, I remember how 11 years ago I flew to Washington with a beautiful white suitcase, in which, along with a wedding dress, the script for the documentary film “Roadmap for Reset” lay. I wrote this script together with my students in Russia in our shared hope that relations between our countries were about to reach more civilized status, I dreamed of making a film that would tell about the great opportunities for both countries that would open up as a result of the reset. But very soon I heard from President Obama that “Russia is a small country with an economy torn to shreds,” and one international policy expert advised me to abandon plans because the reset was canceled. For 11 years, the cold snap between our countries reached the ice age. America was fractured then, and today is remains even more morally devastated. Politicians blame Russia for everything.