Chiranjeevi meets director Gopichand Malineni, congratulates him for Krack Chiranjeevi meets director Gopichand Malineni, congratulates him for Krack Director Gopichand Malineni took to Twitter to pen a beautiful note on his recent meet with Megastar Chiranjeevi. He revealed that the actor congratulated him for Krack and called it as his best film. advertisement Chiranjeevi reviews Gopichand's Krack. Gopichand Malineni is on cloud nine as his recently-released film, Krack, is doing wonders at the box office. On Tuesday (January 19), Megastar Chiranjeevi met Gopichand Malineni and congratulated him on the film's success. The director took to Twitter to share a picture of them clicked during the meeting and penned a beautiful note about the conversation they had.