Publication: China Brief Volume: 21 Issue: 10 May 21, 2021 01:08 PM Age: 12 hours Brazil’s then-Minister of Mines and Energy Fernando Coelho Filho spoke at a groundbreaking ceremony for the Belo Monte-Rio de Janeiro UHV DC transmission line project on September 28, 2017, to be constructed and operated by the China State Grid subsidiary Xingu Rio Transmissora de Energia. (Source: Sohu). Introduction On March 31, Chilean regulators unconditionally approved the $3 billion sale of Chile’s Compañía General de Electricidad (CGE) to the Chinese state-owned electric utility company State Grid (InfoBae, March 31). The deal follows China Southern Power Grid’s 2018 purchase of a 27.7 percent interest in Transelec for $1.3 billion; China Water and Electric (CWE)’s purchase of Atiaia Energy and State Grid’s $2.23 billion acquisition of Chilquinta Energia, giving Chinese companies control of 57 percent of total electricity transmission in the country (Transelec, March 15, 2018; CWE, June 26, 2018; La Tercera, June 24, 2020; El Mercurio, November 13, 2020).