It’s a challenge to the wisdom and conscience of the civilized world that China is showing the arrogance of ‘celebrating’ 70 years of its colonialism in Tibet. As a mark of this ‘celebration’ Beijing has issued a ‘White Paper’ on Tibet which is not only a bunch of white lies but is also an attempt to whitewash all its colonial crimes like genocide, cultural annihilation, loot of natural resources, and blatant denial of human rights to the Tibetan people. There is a serious danger of the Tibetan people disappearing altogether as distinct people because the Chinese Communist Party in Tibet is aiming at reprogramming Tibetan people’s minds and hearts through the implementation of its colonial policies in Tibet. China is fast creating a situation where Tibet will be there, but it will be without the Tibetan people. These were some of the common concerns, expressed by a group of international ranking experts on China and Tibet in a webinar titled “70 Years of Chinese Colonial Rule in Tibet”.