Chia Tai presents melons to Office of the Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Public Health for moral support published : 5 Jul 2021 at 11:12 Chia Tai Company Limited, Thailand’s leading innovative agricultural company, continuously contributes to society, on this occasion by executing its “Chia Tai Volunteer for Community” project with the aim of helping to safeguard people’s health and wellbeing and protect them against the COVID-19 outbreak, in order to eventually overcome the pandemic together under the theme “CP for Good Deeds”. To boost moral support among frontline health professionals, Chia Tai’s group of management on behalf of the company presented 500 of the finest Morrakot melons to Office of the Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Public Health (MoPH). Phuwadech Surakhot, M.D., Assistant Permanent Secretary, Office of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Public Health, and Asst. Prof. Prakarn Thomyangkoon, M.D., Senior Advisor of Department of Medical Services, Ministry of Public Health, honoured their presence to receive the support at the Office of the Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Public Health.