Cherishing cherry memories with Quick Cherry Turnovers As soon as I see shiny dark red cherries in the grocery store, my mind floods with memories of summer days spent with my grandparents on their Indiana farm. Written By: Dickinson Press Staff | 12:00 am, Jul. 12, 2012 × Quick Cherry Turnovers can be prepared ahead of time and fried just before serving. Photo by Sue Doeden As soon as I see shiny dark red cherries in the grocery store, my mind floods with memories of summer days spent with my grandparents on their Indiana farm. Midway through the summer, my dad would pack up the trunk of the Chrysler and drive me and my mom and my brother from our home in St. Paul all the way to the Indiana farm - in a car with no air conditioning. Hot kids sharing a back seat can get cranky. I'm sure that annual drive was not a high point of parenthood for my mom and dad.