Check if you are being charged new rates for an old offence Check if you are being charged new rates for an old offence ByY Maheswara ReddyY Maheswara Reddy / Updated: Jan 9, 2021, 02:15 IST The next time you are supposed to pay a fine for a traffic violation, be sure to check the penalty amount and tally it with the existing rules first. Citizens have been complaining about being charged 10 times more than what they are supposed to simply because the traffic cops can’t be bothered to separate the cases based on the date. The Motor Vehicles Amendment came into effect from September 1, 2019 with new traffic fines and violation penalties. The penalty for parking violation was increased to Rs 1,000 from Rs 100. According to the rules, offences committed before September 1, 2019 have a different rate while offences committed after September 1, 2019 are charged a penalty amount as per the new rules.