cHEART application new product under community internet centres 14 Mar 2021 / 17:13 H. Bernama KUANTAN: The Ministry of Communications and Multimedia has launched an e-medical application named cHEART under its Community Internet Centres (PIK) to enable the public to seek medical advice or schedule follow-up consultations online. Minister Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah (pix, centre) said the application was developed by DATA8 Sdn Bhd, a local company, and the Kampung Cherating PIK was selected to implement the pilot project before it was extended to other PIK in stages. He said the cHEART app was an initiative to inculcate the use of technology in society especially in rural areas or the interior through PIK, adding that the app was a contribution from industry players and telecommunication companies in efforts to open up more opportunities and demands for the e-medical system which are still lacking.