Chamber focuses on value for members at AGM April 27, 2021 at 14 h 37 min Reading time: 2 min 30 s By Nick Seebruch The Cornwall and Area Chamber of Commerce logo. CORNWALL, Ontario – In their Annual General Meeting (AGM) held on Tuesday, April 27, the Cornwall and Area Chamber of Commerce explained their shift towards a more value based approach to its membership. Greg Pietersma, who became the new Executive Director for the Chamber at the start of 2020 explained that he undertook a review of Chamber operations when he began his new job, which included interviews with 40 community stakeholders. “There was a consistent feeling of a lack of value for the membership and that was repeated often. This was not unique to this chamber,” he said. “Every now and then you need to stop, look at the way you operate, and see if you still support your current members and reflect the current times.”