It would be an understatement to say that the Covid-19 pandemic changed the job market and how companies operate. The changes were sudden, drastic, and shook the foundations of the traditional way most people looked at work. Suddenly, a large portion of the developed world found themselves working from home, maybe even for the first time in their lives. It’s exciting. It’s efficient. And it’s here to stay. At least, according to Chris Herd, the founder and CEO of FirstbaseHQ.In a viral Twitter thread, Herd collated what he learned about the future of remote work and working from home from thousands of companies. Have a read through his intriguing posts, so let’s dive head-first into the fascinating topic of how the job industry is being modernized. The future looks bright and far more flexible than anyone dared to dream. Herd’s company FirstbaseHQ helps businesses set up, manage, maintain, and retrieve the physical equipment their remote workers need to do their jobs remotely. So you know for a fact that Herd believes what he’s preaching—he’s even built a business around this idea.