The Maui News / LILA FUJIMOTO photo Sixteen-year-old Jaden Takushi (right) and 13-year-old La’akea Wells are joined by police solo bike Sgt. Gregg Rowe (middle) and other traffic officers at an MEO Youth Services sign waving Friday to remind drivers to stay sober for Super Bowl Sunday. “Be A Champ, Celebrate Sober and Everybody Wins” was the theme of the third annual event, which drew more than two dozen youths and their families to Kaahumanu Avenue fronting Queen Ka’ahumanu Center. “We want to just remind people not to drink while driving because people lose people that way,” Jaden said. Next to La’akea are DUI Task Force Sgt. Nick Krau and DUI Task Force officers Caleb Guarriello, Steven Landsiedel, Stephen Kelly and Rahul Mehra.