CBSE Class 10 Results 2021: Indore’s Sambhav Jain scores 99.6% in Class 10 CBSE Class 10 Results 2021: Indore’s Sambhav Jain scores 99.6% in Class 10 Sambhav Jain from Indore has secured a record score of 99.6 percent in the CBSE Class 10 results 2021, which were declared yesterday. advertisement UPDATED: August 4, 2021 12:43 IST Sambhav Jain from Indore has scored 99.6 percent marks in the CBSE Class 10 Results 2021. (Photo Credits- ANI) The Central Board of Secondary Education declared the CBSE Class 10 results 2021 yesterday, August 3, at 12 noon, and Sambhav Jain, a Class 10 student from Indore, has scored 99.6 percent marks this year. Jain studied in The Daly College, School in Indore and has got 498 marks out of 500. While talking about how he managed to score one of the highest ever marks, the teenager told ANI that he followed a fixed schedule and diligently studied in those hours.