January 12, 2021 | 12:03 am Font Size AAA TV MARIA, the Filipino Catholic TV channel celebrates its 15 years of broadcasting this 2021, as the Philippines also celebrates the 500 years of Christianity in the nation. TV Maria was created to fulfill the vision of being the Filipino Catholic TV Channel. And it has served this purpose not just within the Philippine archipelago but has also reached many Filipinos across the globe. On January 1, 2006, TV Maria started its first broadcast over Dream Satellite and became accessible to more than 300 local and provincial cable operators. TV Maria Foundation Philippines, Inc., or simply TV Maria, is a non-profit, non-stock organization, owned and managed by the Archdiocese of Manila through the guidance of then Archbishop of Manila, His Eminence Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales, DD. who recognized the importance of developing the means to reach out to the Filipino faithful through TV and the internet. The station started out by gathering productions from different Catholic media organizations including Catholic schools. It became the platform for broadcast of Catholic productions that promoted faith, values and morals.