Russia-strahlenbergottens-1730 A richly-detailed rendering of Strahlenberg's stolen 1715 map of Russia in Asia and the Tatar Empire. $7,500.00 Title Carte nouvelle de tout l'Empire de la Grande Russie dans l'estat ou il s'est trouveÌ aÌ la mort de Pierre le Grand. DresseÌe sur des observations toutes nouvelles et dedoeÌe aÌ l'immortelle memoire de ce Grand Monarque Avec Privilege à Amsterdam. 1730 (undated) 1 : 13500000 Description This rare, separately issued map of the Russian Empire was printed by Renier and Josua Ottens c. 1730, but the map is based on the work of Philipp Johann von Strahlenberg: it is that mapmaker's first map of Russia and Siberia, stolen from him in 1715. Strahlenberg (1677 - 1747) would rebound to produce his superb 1730