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Carson City arrests: Employee accused of taking money from d
Carson City arrests: Employee accused of taking money from d
Carson City arrests: Employee accused of taking money from dry cleaning business
A Carson City woman was arrested Tuesday for suspicion of burglary after allegedly stealing money from a local dry cleaning business, a Carson City sheriff's deputy said.
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Carson City ,
Nevada ,
United States ,
Centennial Park ,
Fairview ,
David Anthony Patten ,
Monica June Benjamin ,
Carson City Justice Court ,
Carson City Sheriff Office ,
June Benjamin ,
North Carson ,
West Winnie Lane ,
North Carson Street ,
Anthony Patten ,
Carson City Justice ,
Fairview Drive ,
Gordon Street ,
Iris Street ,
Carson City Sheriff ,
Carson Now ,
Burglary ,
Carson City Sheriffs Office ,
000 ,
2020 ,
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Business ,
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Carson ,
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Cash ,
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Crime ,
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Felony ,
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Highway 50 East ,
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Sheriffs Office ,
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Warrant ,
Wednesday ,
White ,
Winnie Lane ,
Dayton ,
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