Advertisement After very good results from the first project phase, HeidelbergCement is starting the further development and scaling-up of the LEILAC technology (Low Emissions Intensity Lime And Cement) together with the Australian technology company Calix and a European consortium. After examining different locations, it has been decided to build the LEILAC 2 demonstration installation for carbon capture at the HeidelbergCement cement plant in Hanover, Germany. As part of LEILAC 1, a CO 2 capture pilot installation with a capture capacity of 25 000 t of CO 2 per year was constructed at HeidelbergCement's Lixhe plant in Belgium in 2017. With LEILAC 2, an installation around four times as large will be operated in Hanover, which will capture 20% of the cement plant’s capacity, corresponding to around 100 000 tpy of CO