Can’t the company find some mayor more interested in the warehouse? Why does it have to be Elwood? - Andersonville Right Winger - Wednesday, Feb 3, 21 @ 10:08 am: Hopefully State Rep. Larry Walsh Jr., who is from Elwood, has enough clout with the Governor’s office to stop this awful project What Will co doesn’t need is 1000s more trucks jamming up the roads. Build three or four lane bridges over the Illinois river on I-55 and on I-80 over the Canal in Joliet before adding more truck traffic. Hope fully this project development gets placed on the backs of the developers. These warehouses typically hire temporary workers who don’t live in the communities they are located in. They drain local tax money better spent on schools, police and fire pensions, and local infrastructure not related to self serving development. My dad was a die hard old school Republican and he would be spinning in his grave at the thought of businesses demanding, extorting, or begging for public monies instead of standing on their own 2 feet. If they want the bridge let them pay for it. 20 million out of a 1.9 billion dollar project seems fair