Darlington cannabis dealer given chance to turn his life around A CANNABIS dealer has been given a suspended sentence after he was caught with almost £2,000 in cash and £330 worth of drugs during a police raid on his home. Ben Young also had scales and plastic grip bags in his bedroom as well as details of drug deals on his mobile phone. The 21-year-old turned to dealing in an attempt to fund his own cannabis addiction, Teesside Crown Court heard. Peter Sabiston, prosecuting, said police recovered 32 grammes of the Class B drug in the home he shared with his mother. "Although his bedroom was scarcely decorated, officers found a PlayStation and controller, high-end accessories, designer clothes and sets of scales. plastic snap bags and a wallet stuffed with cash," he said. "A bag of cannabis and several pairs of Nike trainers were also seized. His phone was seized and interrogated and this revealed he supplied cannabis.