Tallies "Heavens Touch" - PatinaGrumbling Fur "Suneaters" - FurfourEllen Froes "Things I Have Left To Do" - For Each Flower GrowingMariee Sioux "Wizard Flurry Home" - Faces in the RocksBoyhood "Anew" - My DreadField Guide "You Could Be Free" - Field GuideNotwist "Loose Ends" - Vertigo DaysRichie Culver "I was born by the sea" - I was born by the seaPiss for Pumpkin "Killing Time" - Scared To DieSightless Pit "Calcified Glass (feat Yoshimi0 & Gangsta Boo)" - Lockstep BloodwarChristoph De Babalon "Steps Into Solitude" - Leaving TimeJabes "Body Said No" - Ripples / Body Said NoRuhail Qaisar "Namgang" - FatimaRian Treanor & Ocen James "Naasaccade" - SaccadesTalliesPatinaHeavens TouchGrumbling FurFurfourSuneatersEllen FroesFor Each Flower GrowingThings I Have Left To DoMariee SiouxFaces in the RocksWizard Flurry HomeBoyhoodMy DreadAnewField GuideField GuideYou Could Be FreeNotwistVertigo DaysLoose EndsRichie CulverI was born by the seaI was born by the seaPiss for PumpkinScared To DieKilling TimeSightless PitLockstep BloodwarCalcified Glass (feat Yoshimi0 & Gangsta Boo)Christoph De BabalonLeaving TimeSteps Into SolitudeJabesRipples / Body Said NoBody Said NoRuhail QaisarFatimaNamgangRian Treanor & Ocen JamesSaccadesNaasaccade