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Can We Find Compassion in the Grotesque? :
Can We Find Compassion in the Grotesque? :
Can We Find Compassion in the Grotesque?
Monstrous Faces and Caricatures invites viewers to confront ugliness and the questions it raises about how we relate to it.
Related Keywords
Milano ,
Lombardia ,
Italy ,
Milanese ,
Calabria ,
Enrico Lucchese ,
Giovanni Battista Ruberti ,
Pietro Marani ,
Umberto Eco ,
Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana ,
Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana Mondadadori ,
Palazzo Loredan ,
Anton Maria Zanetti ,
Fondazione Giorgio Cini Francis ,
Collezione Ligabue ,
Isabel Rawsthorne ,
Prudence Cuming Associates Ltd ,
Sainsbury Centre For Visual Arts ,
Veneranda Biblioteca ,
Monstrous Faces ,
From Leonardo ,
Eighteenth Century Venice ,
Francis Bacon ,
Fondazione Giorgio Cini ,
Sainsbury Centre ,
Visual Arts ,
Matteo De Fina ,