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Can we all agree that litter is bad? :
Can we all agree that litter is bad? :
Can we all agree that litter is bad?
If there’s anything Arkansans might agree about these days, it’s that litter is bad. The Great Arkansas Cleanup gives us all a chance to do something about it.
Related Keywords
Arkansas River ,
Arkansas ,
United States ,
Texas ,
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California ,
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Hawaii ,
Riverview ,
Mike Huckabee ,
Sarah Huckabee Sanders ,
Colbie Jones ,
Keep Arkansas Beautiful Commission ,
Natural State Initiative ,
Great Arkansas Cleanup ,
Natural State ,
Great American Cleanup ,
North Little Rock ,
Riverview Park ,
Keep Arkansas ,
Keep Arkansas Beautiful ,
Litter Grabber ,
Great Pacific Garbage Patch ,
Mariana Trench ,
Great Arkansas ,
Opinion ,