Caller: Tear Down Those Walls in Washington, D.C. Apr 6, 2021 KEN: We’re gonna go back to the phones with Phil in Palm Harbor, Florida. Hi, Phil you’re on the EIB Network. CALLER: Hi, Ken. First, God bless Rush. I’m a 33-year friend of Rush. I’m gonna be 70 this year, and I’ve never seen what’s going on in D.C. like what’s going on in my lifetime. Nancy Pelosi’s fences going around the Capitol are a daily affront to We the People and everything we stand for, and what really bothers me? Where are these conservative march organizers putting democracy in action by rooting rallies — without Trump, definitely without Trump — to go to D.C. and stand in front of these fences yelling, “Tear down these fences. We the People own this property.” I can’t believe they stand there idly. No one goes and stands there and marches and demands those fences come down! It’s been four months now? I just can’t understand any other generation letting those fences stand.