Also in This Style Call It Dreaming for all the goodness!—Ed.] Suzana EL Massri in Scotland with Slovenian climbers Sara Jaklic (pictured) and Marija Jeglic (photographer). "Mountains bringing me to my knees," writes Massri. [Photo] Marija Jeglic UK 2018 But you are having fun still? OK, just let me know when the fear changes from excitement to "I want to go home"? MY FRIEND JANE ASKED ME those questions in a calm voice. I answered with a strict yes or no. It was obvious that I was getting nervous. Hanging on a rope, I could see a chair, a table and some clothes arranged in an alcove in the wall of the mineshaft, lit up in the beam of my headlamp. Jane had warned me about this joke, created by fellow explorers: a fake crime scene, set up so it looks as if you're about to play the role of the next victim. I forced a laugh and carried on rappelling.