Saturday Scribnerâs 150th Celebration, Scribner. Activities will include a 5K walk/run; historic trail ride; alumni coffee; quilt show; car, truck, motorcycle and tractor show; Musbach Museum tours; Quilt of Valor presentation; display reenactments; kidpalooza; beer garden; trolley tours; airboat rides; cannon firing; bingo burgers; train show; ice cream parlor; historic cemetery walk; melodrama; magic show; Scribner Hogs baseball game; polka and beer; Zuckerâs chicken; Barnyard Marauders; beard contest; Diamond Lilâs performance; live music by Velvet Haze and Charm School Dropouts. Nickersonâs 150th Celebration, Nickerson. Activities will include volleyball in the park, parade, kids activities, beer garden, tractor pull, cook-off and beer garden, and live music by Down Memory Lane and Dylan Bloom.