A local student coalition is celebrating commitments on Cal Poly's part to provide resource centers for students of color and additional advocates for students who have experienced sexual violence. But Cal Poly isn't budging on the group's demands to disarm and divest from the campus police. click to enlarge File Photo By Jayson Mellom DEFUND Cal Poly SQE is one of several groups in SLO County pushing for divestment from policing. Alejandro Bupara is a member of Cal Poly Students for Quality Education (SQE), a local chapter of a statewide organization that aims to address issues of racism, sexism, and classism on campuses in the California State University system. For years San Luis Obispo's SQE has been pushing for increased diversity at Cal Poly through improved support services for the students of color already attending the university, and Bupara said the efforts are finally paying off.