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By-election was special for first-time voters : comparemela.
By-election was special for first-time voters : comparemela.
By-election was special for first-time voters
BINTULU: The Jepak by-election yesterday was special for the constituency’s young and first-time voters as it was the first time that they got to choose a representative in the Sarawak legislative assembly.
Related Keywords
Bintulu ,
Sarawak ,
Malaysia ,
Kuching ,
Stevenson Joseph Sumbang ,
Dayang Nuradiyana Abang Ahmid ,
Bumi Kenyalang ,
Datuk Talib Zulpilip ,
Janita Christopher ,
Wendella Lako Berasap ,
Dayang Nuradiyana ,
Iskandar Turkee ,
Sarawak People Aspiration Party ,
Lako Berasap ,
Gabungan Parti Sarawak ,
Parti Bumi Kenyalang ,
Chieng Lea Phing ,
Sarawak People ,
Crystal Janita Christopher ,
Sabah Amp Sarawak ,
Voters ,
Youth ,
Jepak By Election ,