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By-election hopeful Meades biggest spender :
By-election hopeful Meades biggest spender :
By-election hopeful Meades biggest spender
The candidates for the recent Invercargill City Council by-election spent $21,800 on their campaigns — with one candidate responsible for almost 30...
Related Keywords
Invercargill ,
New Zealand General ,
New Zealand ,
Sebastien Fabre ,
David Meades ,
Andrea Murrell ,
David Hicks ,
Tim Shadbolt ,
Tom Morton ,
Graham Lewis ,
Carl Heenan ,
Sian Reeves ,
Steve Broad ,
Asha Dutt ,
David Pottinger ,
Terrence King ,
Invercargill City Council ,
New Zealand Idol ,
Sir Tim Shadbolt ,
Lisa Tou Mcnaughton ,
Rob Te Maiharoa ,