Monday, March 1, 2021 Funding of up to $2000 is now available to 32 bushfire impacted residents in the Wollondilly Shire whose properties were devastated by the Green Wattle Creek bushfires of 2019/20. The Bushfire Community Grants Program will provide one off funding towards purchases through approved local suppliers for the revitalisation of bushfire affected residential land.
Sponsored by the Resilience NSW Bushfire Community Resilience and Recovery Fund, the program will have the additional benefit of boosting the local economy. Purchases can include plants, trees, grass, landscape supplies such as soil and mulch, small gardening equipment, watering systems or even fauna breeding boxes.
Mayor Robert Khan said that the impact of the Green Wattle Creek bushfire on the local environment was significant. “Many residents lost gardens and landscapes that they had spent years growing and nurturing, as well as the privacy that their gardens created,” he said. “The wildlife that survived the fire faced changes to their natural habitat. The devastation to the environment, followed by periods of heavy rain has encouraged the growth of weeds as well an increase in pests.”