January 30, 2021 Yesterday, January 29th, the Burlington Community School Districts’ School Board met for an Emergency School Board Meeting just an hour after Governor Reynolds of Iowa signed a bill into law requiring that schools offer 100%/full-in-person learning option. The School Board unanimously voted to return to school full-time in person Monday, February 8th, tossing the Hybrid-Schedule. The bill requires schools to use original calendar makes before the school year, thus leading to Schools being in session eight-hours a day, and five days a week, Monday through Friday. Superintendent Pat Coen said in the meeting via Google Meets that Social Distancing will be impossible, but masks will be required to wear in all school buildings. Parents who wish to keep their students in an online-only format can still do so by contacting their school administration; however, those who wish to remain online only have until Wednesday to make arrangements. Those interested must seek the online option in School Handbooks and must contact school administration by noon on February 3rd for additional information.