Building an altered ecology Updated: December 18, 2020 18:30 IST Updated: ASSOCHAM meet discusses how to make sustainable cities a reality. By Ranjani Govind Share Article ASSOCHAM meet discusses how to make sustainable cities a reality. By Ranjani Govind It is a scene that we are increasingly seeing and helplessly so - cities turning into concrete jungles, dried-up lakes and river beds. Where the water bodies do exist, the water polluted to the hilt and the ecology around the rivers shrinking with groundwater dipping to unimaginably low levels. Is there a way to reverse this, restore ecology, make sustainable cities a reality? ASSOCHAM GEM Karnataka Chapter, as part of the ASSOCHAM Realty and Sustainability Confluence Expo and GEM Awards, hosted a panel discussion on ‘Ecological Restoration’ where experts spoke on the ecology of Bengaluru city and its peripherals, exploring ways of altering the prevailing state.