Feb 25, 2021 Budget 2021: Economic growth fuels Alberta’s recovery | Budget 2021 : La croissance économique énergisera la relance de l'Alberta Budget 2021 outlines how Alberta’s government is making strategic investments in natural resources and the environment to prepare for economic recovery and create good jobs for thousands of Albertans. Some parts of this page will not display. JavaScript is not available in this browser or may be turned off. Agriculture and Forestry Alberta’s government has set a target to attract $1.4 billion in investment, which will create more than 2,000 jobs in emerging sectors like hemp, agri-technology and value-added processing. The Government of Alberta is also contributing $245 million to an $815-million investment, in partnership with the Canada Infrastructure Bank and Alberta irrigation districts, to modernize irrigation district infrastructure to drive the expansion of Alberta’s irrigated land base.