Updated Apr 12, 2021 | 06:59 IST Bihar Board Class 10 Compartmental Exam 2021 registration begins today by the Bihar School Examination Board. Students are advised to complete the registration process before April 16, 2021. BSEB Class 10 Compartmental Exam registration from April 12  |  Photo Credit: Representative Image Bihar Board Class 10 Compartmental Exam 2021 registration will begin today on April 12, 2021 by the Bihar School Examination Board, BSEB. The last date to register for the Bihar Board class 10 compartmental exams 2021 is April 16, 2021. Students are advised to fill the online registration forms through their respective school’s authority from the official site of BSEB, biharboard.online. Students must note that a total of 3 opportunities will be given to regular, private and ex-students to score passing marks in the subjects. The fee to be paid for Bihar Board Class 10 Compartmental Exam 2021 registration is Rs. 830.