' + activeFrame.title + ' '); $(".fotorama-caption").addClass("add_caption"); $(".fotorama-caption").removeClass("remove_caption"); } else { // alert("hide div"); $(".fotorama-caption").addClass("remove_caption"); $(".fotorama-caption").removeClass("add_caption"); } }) .fotorama(); Brown Burke rejects differentiated compensation to teachers based on vaccination status Wednesday, July 28, 2021 KINGSTON, Jamaica—Minister of Parliament and Shadow Minister of Education and Training, Dr Angela Brown Burke, said she is alarmed by reports which suggest that the Prime Minister is putting teachers on notice that there could be differences in compensation based on vaccination status. Dr Brown Burke insisted that the Government must take a more democratic and inclusive approach to governance and avoid mandatory policies around vaccination of teachers where possible. She suggests that the Government work toward creating meaningful partnerships with teachers and principals so that they may be better able to address the fears and concerns of our teachers.