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Brighton and Hove pubs and restaurants get new food hygiene
Brighton and Hove pubs and restaurants get new food hygiene
Brighton and Hove pubs and restaurants get new food hygiene ratings
New food hygiene ratings have been awarded to 22 of Brighton and Hove’s establishments.
Related Keywords
Beijing ,
China ,
Sussex ,
East Sussex ,
United Kingdom ,
Brighton ,
Brighton And Hove ,
Hollingdean Cafe At Community Centre ,
Windmill Stores ,
Brighton And Hove Golf Club ,
Kernel Of Hove ,
Shuffle Bar And Jukebox ,
Arts Piazza ,
Arts Building ,
Charts Road ,
University Of Sussex ,
Road Arches ,
Real Junk Food Project Brighton ,
Hollingdean Community Centre ,
Thompson Road ,
Hellenic Bakery Brighton ,
Bravo Patisserie ,
Devils Dyke Road ,
Hove Place ,
Ten Green Bottles ,
Mucky Duck ,
Brighton Tavern ,
Hop Poles ,
Albert Street ,
Poets Corner ,
Sweet Shop Shakes ,
Brass Monkey Ice Cream ,
Beijing Garden ,
Oak Avenue ,
Sea Spice ,