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Brexit Britain wants to be the snooping capital of the West
Brexit Britain wants to be the snooping capital of the West
Brexit Britain wants to be the snooping capital of the West
As the EU sets limits on facial recognition, British ministers are preparing a major expansion of the controversial technology.
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Denmark ,
United Kingdom ,
London ,
City Of ,
British ,
Britain ,
Fraser Sampson ,
Geoff Caddick ,
Tolga Akmen ,
Joseph Bambridge ,
Justin Tallis ,
Thomas Jensen ,
Chris Philp ,
Home Office ,
European Union ,
Wales Police ,
Brexit Britain ,
Getty Images ,
King Charles ,
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak ,
Data Protection ,
Digital Information Bill ,
South Wales Police ,
Minister Chris Philp ,
Accountability ,
Artificial Intelligence ,
Cities ,
Data ,
Data Protection And Digital Information Bill ,
Digital ,
England ,
Facial Recognition ,
Governance ,
Human Rights ,
Intelligence ,
Law Enforcement ,
Loss And Damage ,
Parliament ,
Policing ,
Privacy ,
Regulation ,
Resilience ,
Rights ,
Rishi Sunak ,
Safety ,
Software ,
Surveillance ,
Technology ,
Technology And Trade ,
United States ,
Wales ,