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Breaking Down Hyperglycemic Ketosis-Cannabis Hyperemesis Syn
Breaking Down Hyperglycemic Ketosis-Cannabis Hyperemesis Syn
Breaking Down Hyperglycemic Ketosis-Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome in Type 1 Diabetes, with Halis Akturk, MD
At ADCES 2023, Halis Akturk, MD, presented data calling attention to the risk of hyperglycemic ketosis-cannabis hyperemesis syndrome in people with type 1 diabetes.
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Colorado ,
United States ,
Halis Akturk ,
Pediatr Pulmonol ,
Campbellp Robert ,
Medtronic ,
Barbara Davis Center ,
University Of Colorado ,
Blood Glucose ,
Diabetes Care ,
Tandem Diabetes ,
Diabetic Ketoacidosis ,
Hyperglycemic Ketosis Due ,
Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome ,
Adults With Type ,