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Breaking barriers: How UpWind by MerConcept is aiming to ush
Breaking barriers: How UpWind by MerConcept is aiming to ush
Breaking barriers: How UpWind by MerConcept is aiming to usher in an offshore racing transformation
UpWind by MerConcept is a new initiative with the ambitious aim of getting a female skipper on the Multi 50 startline of the next Route du Rhum race
Related Keywords
United Kingdom ,
France ,
Concarneau ,
Bretagne ,
United States ,
America ,
British ,
Michelle Carnevale ,
G Gatefait Merconcept ,
Darmel Tripon ,
Francesca Clapcich ,
Hour Racing Team ,
Ocean Fifty ,
Founding Sponsor ,
Hour Racing ,
Jules Verne ,
Jules Verne Trophy ,
Clarisse Cremer ,
Grand Prix ,
Ocean Race ,