BreadTube: Meet the left-wing YouTubers who are trying to beat the far-right at its own game By making videos on the same topics as the far-right, BreadTubers are hijacking YouTube’s algorithm. YouTuber Natalie Wynn’s ContraPoints is among the leading channels for BreadTube content. | Author Provided YouTube has gained a reputation for facilitating far-right radicalisation and spreading antisocial ideas. However, in an interesting twist, the same subversive, comedic, satiric and ironic tactics used by far-right internet figures are now being countered by a group of left-wing YouTubers known as “BreadTube”. By making videos on the same topics as the far-right, BreadTube videos essentially hijack Youtube’s algorithm by getting recommended to viewers who consume far-right content. BreadTubers want to pop YouTube’s political bubbles to create space for deradicalisation.