By ROMAN USCHAK Credits: Dawn Wilde December 28, 2020 at 9:00 AM BRIDGEWATER, NJ - The question of pushing back school starting times in the Bridgewater-Raritan Regional School District to allow students, especially older ones, more sleep in the mornings hasn’t completely gone away just yet. Bridgewater-Raritan Education Association President Laura Kress broached the topic during the board of education’s Dec. 15 meeting. Kress spoke of how a committee for all stakeholders in the matter had been formed in February, but then COVID-19 struck the following month, shuttering the schools, and that original committee never got the opportunity to meet. "We learned that all stakeholders must be involved in all aspects of this issue," Kress said. "We know we need to resurrect the stakeholder committee formed prior to the pandemic. We know this committee must be involved in the creation of all surveys. We know that this committee must see all data from these surveys."